Azamax - does it amplify the nutes in Aeroponics?


Hey -- just thought I would put this out there: I had a fungus gnat infection which I used Azamax on. Worked great.

But then I got root rot! I think two things happened: 1) The Azamax drove the ph of the solution down, but bigger than that, I think, is 2) the foaminess of the Azamax kept the nutrients on the roots longer, and in doing so, over-fed them, causing the rot.

***This would suggest that when you use Azamax you should drop your nutes back (a lot, I think). I was wondering why my plants had gone so lush despite the gnat infestation! I would guess 800ppm max, maybe even less.

I've since flushed and cleaned (rotted roots clogging my nozzles!), and have dropped the nutes back a bit and done a light dose of 3% H2o2 (1 oz/gal) to let everyone get happy again.

I did cut off a lot of the brown slimy root mass, sparing the nice firm white roots as much as possible.

If I don't report back, then this worked.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
One oz per gallon of 3% H2O2 is like nothing, you should use that much at least when using 30%, which is 10X what you're using...


Well-Known Member
I use Azamax as a precautionary measure (once in veg then once in flower) and never had a problem with root rot.

I would look elsewhere.