Avid smoker, n00b grower


Active Member
Hey everyone! Since the majority of what I've seen here has been helpful AND (mostly) considerate, I thought, "Why not just be a new guy here and really learn something here?".
What can I say? I'm an avid smoker who doesn't seem to brag, nor insult others. Being the chill kind of guy I am, I have some simple questions concerning growing. Of course, I've been doing my research (hours and hours this week alone, but not the only research time I've conducted) here, so I'm not totally left in the dark.
But anyhow! Straight to business so to speak...

I've recently planted a good number of bagseeds (about 7 in total). I have 3 larger sprouts, all about a week old from when they pushed through the top of the soil. Now, don't worry about inadequate lighting or ventilation (hours of video and reading research already inducted to mind) because I have made sure it's fine enough for just a few plants. The real questions are:

How long is the shortest period of time permitted in growing say, mids?
Now, how long is the shortest period of time allotted for growing an unknown strain of nugs?
If there is more than one plant in a pot (both being the same strain), would that pose any serious problems when they begin to enlarge?

Now, everyone seems to have those "hazy" days. It's just that when things were a little "cloudy", I managed forget which plant is which: mids or nugs. I suppose in due time after they grow a little bit more I'll be able to distinguish them apart, but as for now, I have not a clue. Any way to tell them apart as early as possible?
When is the earliest time you are also able to tell if they are male, female, or hermy?

Any questions answered would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Welcome RIU !

q:How long is the shortest period of time permitted in growing say, mids?

a:5 weeks form seed to bud - lowryder strain

q:Now, how long is the shortest period of time allotted for growing an unknown strain of nugs?
a: you will only know when it is in flower...... then you can make educated guess!

q;If there is more than one plant in a pot (both being the same strain), would that pose any serious problems when they begin to enlarge?

a; yes its called ROOT BOUND... it will stunt growth of both plants and you wont get max yeild !

hope that helped !


Active Member
Thank you VERY much for the answers, I HIGHLY appreciate it! Considering this is my first REAL attempt at growing, any more tips would be awesome!

I'll def' keep up to date on how this little noob project is going XD


Active Member
dear god yes. thats all ive wanted was an easy step by step, in depth guide.

thank you very VERY much :D