Autowatering system with pump for 30 plants


Active Member
Looking to expand a medical grow and wanting to set up an auto-watering system for 30 plants. Using 7gal cloth pots, coco and salt nutes. Usually feed about 1.5gal to get 10-20% runoff per pot. Planning on using RV pump to pvc / pex system. Thinking main header across with smaller feeds out. Will have 8 rows with 4 pots across. Will use tubing to each pot possibly thinking halo style feeders either diy or purchased. Anybody have recommendations on design, line sizes, mistakes made or things you'd do differently on similar setups? Will use 50-100 dall tote, possibly 150gal tote in future for res. Thx for help!
...what is best option for running tubing to each pot? Use the rain bird or blumat 8 head units? What are other options?
The RV diaphram pumps are loud when they run, and put out serious pressure. Id suggest getting a pressure tank and a good regulator.

For the feed line manifolds, it helps to make them into a loop, but I dunno.. with your pump it probably wouldnt matter. Probably need to add individual valves to tune the flow output..

You might even want to switch down to smaller pots, and do multiple feedings throughout the day.
Loops makes sense to minimize hydraulic surge. I could probably go to 5gal but I like the root mass in 7gal pots. The rv pump i have has a 45psig shutoff switch so that's max pressure unless switch fails.