Auto's not flowered


Hi all,
First time grower here and I need help!
I've got 3 nirvana bubalicious autos that are 9 weeks old but are not flowering!
What should I do? Force flower by changing light schedule???

I also tried these and they didn't auto flower. It's a shame that Nirvana are prepared to sell shitty autos that don't do what they say on the tin. Obviously they know 90%+ don't even auto flower. It's really put me off them.

Anyway, you could put them under 12/12 lighting as it's basically a normal strain.
Thanks DamnGirl.
I won't buy those again, should have bought normal ones.
I'll try changing the lights in a week, give them one last chance!
When I change the light should I just alter dusk, or dusk and Dawn?
and when i changed the light i left dawn allone and just made the day shorter .............thats wut i did tho dont really know the propper procedure
it is a shame cause if you go back to them they dont want to talk about germing cause sold as souvineers youcant talkto them about germing and not flowering they only back you up on crushed seeds and none delivery

i dont kn ow what to suggest except go to old proven companys for proven gear not new stuff dont be the testers for them use stuff yoou have read or heard about from suppliers you trust

wish i could offer more good luck
I read on a forum where a guy had the same issue as you. He cloned them before turning them to 12/12 cycle. Worth of a shot.

Also I recieved a FREE Greenhouse Church FEM seed with my last order from the tude. It turned out male. I contacted the tude and they said they will replace it with my next order. No hassle.
I grew nirvana short rider and they autoed in 3 to 4 now growing regular bubbleicious 12 12 from seed and they started flowering in three weeks..hope it all works out....happy growing
You said you tried these and they didn't auto, so what did you do???

I had to get rid of it unfortunately. I don't have a separate room as I only grow autos and had others in there at the time, so I couldn't switch the lighting. I was also running out of space. Those Lowlife autos grow pretty big in 8l pots!

Thanks DamnGirl.
I won't buy those again, should have bought normal ones.
I'll try changing the lights in a week, give them one last chance!
When I change the light should I just alter dusk, or dusk and Dawn?

Neither will I. Waste of time. If you buy an auto you EXPECT IT TO AUTO!!! Stick to Lowlife and Lowryder seeds. There are some others, but be careful when choosing and try to research it online and in diary's before. Saves a lot of hassle when it comes to the grow. I only tried the new nirvana autos out of curiosity and thinking that they might have learnt from their mistakes with that piece of crap Short Ryder. (lol)

As for the lighting, just gradually increase the dark period until you're at 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
The girls have been forced with no progress, they are nearly dead now.
I guess because they are suppose to auto their life span is short.
Going to try some normal fems that came free with the order, hope they work !
Thanks for the help.