"Autoflowering" Lowlife


Well-Known Member
Sprouted on January 8th; February 16th now and still it hasn't shown any flowers. Wtf? I seriously doubt its going to turn into a massive cola in 4-5 weeks. Someone shed some light or did I waste my money on a crap breeder with unstable strains doing false advertising?


Well-Known Member
Yea that's not good. I wouldn't conclude that just yet though. How many are you growing? And which strain? They were supposed to show sex at week 3, did they?


Well-Known Member
a few showed sex and some are still undecided; they are from dr chronic, with original lowlife packaging... a couple were beginning to flower but they were so small i just threw them out due to having to reduce my garden... the bigger ones haven't even showed sex

i had some PH issues in early life, then a calcium defiency and some gnatt issues, could this be the cause?


Well-Known Member
Yea, all that stress could have set them back a few weeks. As long as they're still growing and still look healthy, keep letting them chug along. I would count on them taking several weeks longer than the advertised 10 weeks though.

Do you remember which strain they were specifically? Low Life makes a bunch- Auto AK-47, auto White Russian, and several others. This doesn't really matter for your problem, I'm just curious.