Autoflowering AK47 & Big Low 2 days from harvest?

These autos are on day 63 and the seed description says to harvest after day 65. Can I count on this or do I need to get a magnifier to determine the perfect harvest time?

Also, when should I start the 72 hour dark period?

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Active Member
i would say it has a week left if that, you can tell its close by the leaves starting to turn brown but you still have quite a few white hairs, if you r flushing i would say to continue that and wait atleast 4-5 more days, and the 72 hour darkness is optional but it would be after that, i have had much success without it


Active Member
haha nobody can thats the worst but can turn out better for those who wait, nice buds tho i forgot to mention how good they look


Well-Known Member
patients will be very rewarded, ive learned my lessons, so please that my advice and give her time. I still see that 50% of the pistils of white. wait till around 70-80% are red, then repost a pic. I would just post another pic in 4-5 days


Active Member
Dang man those look AMAZIN!!!! Nice job... as they said I would wait another 2-4 days.... what kind of set up did you use for them if you dont mind me asking...
Thanks guys. Glad u like 'em. If u havnt guessed it by now this is my first grow. Doing a hydro grow in an aquafarm placed in a closet in my room. Using a 250W HPS bulb with digital ballast. Strain is called Kabala which is a crossbreed of AK47 and Big Low. Been feeding them GHE FloraSeries nutes. Here are some pictures:

foto (1).jpgfoto (5).jpgfoto (6).jpgfoto (7).jpgfoto (9).jpgfoto (10).jpg1.jpg2.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg7.jpg8.jpg10.jpg12.jpg14.jpg

Will post fresh pics friday or saturday.

Im gonna dry the buds in the closet as well. Will I need to lower the ventilation fan speed? If so, how do find the right speed?


Active Member
im sure any speed will work but the lower probably the better, you dont want to remove too much air quickly, just pick something low but make sure its getting air movement, great job of hydro for your first time, r there four plants in there?
Think ill buy a controller then.

Just three. The tallest is about 80 cm tall, and the second one about 70 cm. The third one hasnt even reached 40 cm. Dunno what went wrong with that one. Probably not enough space, but what do I know. The closet is only 55x55x180cm.


Active Member
just takes learning, some learn by reading others learn by trial and error you'll get it rizzo, RP just got it the first time :bigjoint:


Active Member
oh i got it figured out a few years ago but my first sure wasn't that nice. I cant grow inside anymore unfortunately but i do have some nice outdoor girls! not much goes wrong outside. well in my experience anyways


Active Member
my mistake rizzo, i thought you meant you had just failed a first grow or something, cant go wrong if your growing successfully outside


Active Member
no problem mate! its a hell of a lot cheaper too! I still juice mine up tho with house and garden nutes. right now I have 3 Cream Caramel Autos that are about a week from harvest, 1 blueberry gum, 1 sweet black angel, 1 shark attack, 1 strawberry blue. what do you have going hattowndank?


Active Member
nothing at the moment i try not to remind myself :sad: haha kinda just trying to finish up school and then get back to the good stuff, im keeping my mind off of it by being on RIU :bigjoint:


Active Member
Damn that sucks. Ya I'm finishing up my BA degree right now too. I can only grow outdoor right now which is a total bummer bcuz I love being able to go to my spare bedroom and sitting with my girls! lol


Active Member
i know that use to be my favorite thing haha me and all my close buddies would get high and probably stand around the ladies for thirty minutes to an hour :weed:
Here we go, day 66, fresh pics:

foto 1(1).jpgfoto 1.jpgfoto 2(1).jpgfoto 2.jpgfoto 3.jpgfoto 4.jpgfoto 5.jpg

I see a lot of red hairs. Not sure if the flash makes it harder to see the white hairs. The last two pics are without flash.

What do u guys say? Are they ready for gettin chopped?