I've got a gorilla cookies autoflower from fastbuds. I topped it at about 4 and 1/2 to 5 weeks old. I know that they're supposed to start auto flowering anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks. It's been 8 weeks now and no signs of any preflowers or anything. I know that some people say it's okay to top them, some people say it's not. This is strictly just an experiment and I know that topping an autoflower is a lot more stressful than topping a photo. The plant seems totally healthy and looks like it's recovered from the shock of it, but at 8 weeks I would have thought I would have started to see something by now. I also live in San Francisco California and right now it's cold, about 50° at night 65° in the day, and and I'm growing outdoors, along with the light being on a scale of 1 to 10 about a 5. I've also lightly lollipoped 3 times but made sure I spread it over a period of four or five days per lollipopping. 3 gallon pot. Attached is a photo with a cinder block for size reference. Any ideas as to why it might not be flowering? Is it simply just still recovering from the topping shock along with cold weather and not that much light?