Autoflower Seeding


Well-Known Member
I have what may be a dumb question... say I have an autoflower plant, and it becomes seeded by a male, are the seeds all auto flower feminized like the mother?
If the auto seeds for other reasons, say ut herms by going too long and over-ripens. Will these seeds also be autos? Feminized? Will they produce all herbs even though the plants wasn't a herm to begin with, was overgrown into it?
And last, if I intentionally seeded an auto, that was never a herm, would it produce auto seeds that are feminized as well?
I'm assuming that the Ruderalis would def make it an auto strain, but curious as to the feminized, and would the cross pollination take away enough of the Ruderalis to make it a reg photo?
Lil help?
it becomes seeded by a male, are the seeds all auto flower feminized like the mother?
If the male is auto they'd be regular auto seeds, not fem. If the male is photoperiod, they'd be 100% reg photos.
herms by going too long and over-ripens. Will these seeds also be autos? Feminized?
Yes, yes
And last, if I intentionally seeded an auto, that was never a herm, would it produce auto seeds that are feminized as well?
If you reverse it, yes, male pollen, no.