Autoflower not budding

Gorilla Glue
Growers choice(seller)
General hydroponics nutes

It's been 9 1/2 weeks she still feeding still growing but I think I might have fucked up. This is my first grow so I need some reassurance. For 3 weeks I was fucking up the nutes giving her WAYYY too much micro(I mixed up the micro and gro) so her lower leaves pretty much died off I didn't notice this until I switched to the bloom nutes. Will this be the reason why she wont flower or I'm I overreacting and need to just give her some more time. She's been growing for 2 1/2 months now. I've been giving her half strength nutes since week 3/4


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Funny thing is if you stress autoflowers they flower quicker as a response lol

So in your case I very much doubt that’s an auto flower. Perhaps it was suppose to be but 2 1/2 months is far too long - basically a full auto from seed to smoke.

I’d give 24hrs of darkness and then flower at 12/12.

But that’s just me..


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I don’t think you have an Autoflower there. Maybe the seller mixed up the seeds, they do all look alike lol. But hey, could be a massive benefit to you as now you can grab clones

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Another thing - that baby is gonna double easily in flower.
If you’re struggling for room I’d recommend a top followed by a few days rest as she’s established then trigger flowering. Keep the veg nutes until the stretch is done :)