autoflower getting done so fast no yield?? wat to do?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im going same stuff but need help bottow leaves are yellowing badly but top seems fine its about 40days old from seed but still tiny buds but hairs goin red... I dont know if i fucked it up with topping but im sure it difenitely fucked my yield up.. any advise on wats going on i grow in soil/peat/perlite... i used stantard fruit nute 20-20-20 1-2 times a week its foliar spay... is it a N prblem is my lower leaves and wat to do sorry im a noob... If you have cant c picks dont know y then could you please look at my pics in my other grow journal... I would love to know the cause of all this as im so new to autos.. i shouldnt have topped them but how long would u say to they ripe right now 40days in and buds are tiny think they will bulk up or should i add some more nutes??? Thanks for your help in afvance guys im desperate... they tops look find but bottom looks worse and woorse10643211_766133890096479_1090270674_n.jpg


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Nitrogen use veg bute thru grow to not have those defs also auto dont usually produce alot of buds so go feminized next time
feed it ...............
not a foliar a actual feeding foliar is just a temp fix
that plant is still in veg and just barely switching to flower

its not finishing its starving ............
ok i will wait 10 weeks and update pics
so i should add N or too much N right now??
or should i just use flower booster??
order beastie bloom and tiger bloom

then get the big bud and cha ching

the frist 2 are bud weight builders one is powder other is liquid the powder (beastie bloom) is a much higher power then the tiger bloom so u use that one ever 2nd or 3rd water/feeding

the big bud is just liquid worm poop for the plant they love it ..........cha ching is the resin builder and thickener u use that for the last 2 weeks of flowering to finish her off

but u want to feed the plant with that and u will see the tips of the leave getting burnt this is to much feed at that time back down your feeding a little and hold it (the burn should not get any bigger then what it is if still does lower it more)

the final part is the watering the amount of bud is directly linked to the amount of feed and supply of water so if u are feeding it more u need to make sure it has all the water it can use

so think about getting a automatic watering system just to supply water they sell them for watering plants while ppl are away
aren't you not supposed to top autos?? Everything I've read says "don't top autos". The life span is set, so you don't have the extra time to recover from the act of topping. This may be the problem... But I've never grown any autos... So IDK. Just my 2 cents.