autoflower....from BAGSEED?! pics + need flowering advice


My random bag seed grow is going as follows -

We've known at LEAST one of our 3 plants was female, for quite some time now. I feel like it's had pistils for so long now, while the other two were barely showing preflowers.
Thought one was a herm, took it out and put it into 12/12 to make sure, and bam. no herm. male.
So here we are with the last 2 plants, that were planted together in the same pot.
As soon as I decided I was feeling ballsy enough, I took a clone from Teeny. Rooted in 9 days and then transplanted and put in the veg room.
The teeny female on the right and the bigger unknown on the left. (both of which at this point i'm believing/convincing myself to be female)

The teeny lady is just...maturing undeniably fast. IE- too fast for it to make sense to NOT being an af.
The size difference between the two is still re-donk, seeing as how they've been kicking eachother in the roots for 2 months for nutes and water lol, but Teeny is def. growing and...from what I can gather....def. starting to... bud??

Which is confusing as the plant next to it is only just now starting to show distinctive pistils. Which I also found a strange ball looking thing near the very bottom of it...(i'll post a picture of that as well and let me know what you think)
Those two plants were never introduced to 12/12. And 99.4% of the time, stayed on 18/16. They are 3 days shy of 2 months of veg under 250w(ACTUAL) of CFL in a homemade rubber maid ballast.

Can you even GET an af seed from random bag seed?
It is correct in assuming, that if the mother IS in fact an af, the clone I took from her, is essentially useless? Rather, if it doesnt die off, it will have extremely poor yield?
Putting them into 12/12 tonight. We are going to try the 36 hours of darkness thing a shot before putting the CFL back on and adding a 200w HPS. i was typing that I wondered if it would stress out Teeny if she is an AF and already mid-flower....fuuuuucck.
Should I trim off all the yellow leaves on teeny or both before putting to 12/12?
is 12/12 going to effect her if she IS an af??

ahhh bag seed.

photo.JPGsize comparison
possible AF-
photo 1 (2).JPGphoto 1.JPGphoto 1 (4).JPGphoto 3 (5).JPGphoto 4 (1).JPG
the lone clone - haha-
photo 5.JPG
close ups of plant next to it..which I see pistils on but some odd...growth spot ball lookin things..very strange.tell me what you think. (the first picture is at the verrrrryyyy bottom of the plant...idk if that makes a difference or not. and i believe picture 3 is a female preflower??



autoflower isnt alway a true autoflower .. at 24/0 they will veg but at less then 24/0 they will flower which is probably what you got.. you can veg it more then likely under 24/0. Its hard to find a fully 24/0 autoflowering plant the more rud they breed in the less potent and the closer to 24/0 itll flower and no one wants that. So what generally happens is they flower at 18/6 and most people veg at 18/6 so they think you cant stop it. So put your clone under 24/0.

As for that buldge growing around the stem and branch intersection .. i forget the name of it but its nothing to worry about until you see pollen sacs.