Auto vs photo bud size

I've been growing for a few years with soil indoors, using photo-period and auto-flowers.

I've noticed that the auto-flowers bulk up the buds so much more than the photos.
While the autos continue to bulk up as the trichomes develop, the photos don't bulk up anywhere near as much under the same conditions.
Photos just plateau bud size after 8 weeks, with not much more size growth.

Has anyone run into this? Any ideas on what I can do?


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for a few years with soil indoors, using photo-period and auto-flowers.

I've noticed that the auto-flowers bulk up the buds so much more than the photos.
While the autos continue to bulk up as the trichomes develop, the photos don't bulk up anywhere near as much under the same conditions.
Photos just plateau bud size after 8 weeks, with not much more size growth.

Has anyone run into this? Any ideas on what I can do?
Interesting observation, I'm curious to know as well. I'm new to growing and still trying out both photo (90%) and auto (10%).



Well-Known Member
I've been growing for a few years with soil indoors, using photo-period and auto-flowers.

I've noticed that the auto-flowers bulk up the buds so much more than the photos.
While the autos continue to bulk up as the trichomes develop, the photos don't bulk up anywhere near as much under the same conditions.
Photos just plateau bud size after 8 weeks, with not much more size growth.

Has anyone run into this? Any ideas on what I can do?
Are you topping and doing more training with your photo period plants?