Auto Lighting Question 18/6 to 12/12 while in flower?


Active Member
Hi All,

Just after a bit of advice. Ive currently got 4 Bubblelicious autos on the go that are in my veg tent on 18/6 and flowering. Problem is, I have got a Pineapple Express and a White Widow that are mothers and are veg'n like mad.

Running out of space in the 18/6 tent.

I have got a flowering tent on 12/12 with a unknown in there.

The question is.... Would it cause too much stress to move the 4 autos into my 12/12 flowering tent whilst they are currently in flower on 18/6?

I know I may suffer with final yield but I am going to suffer anyway due to overcrowding if I keep them in the veg tent.


Active Member
Yes, this will hurt yield! However if the alternative is overcrowding and no other space is available, put them onto 12/12. The best timing for auto's is 20/4 btw. They do need some sleep unlike photoperiod plants! Could I ask why you are running 18/6? Do you guys not realise you are loosing 1/3 of the growing time you have by doing this. MJ does not need "sleep" 24/7 in veg is the way to go. Prevents stretch, more light, bigger plants!!! W


Active Member
I would love to have 24/7 but I have got 2 mothers in there aswell - think im just gonna keep it as they are as since posting ive been doing a bit of research and 12/12 is a bad plan with autos lol. What I could do is put some of them in the flowering tent until its time for lights off and then move them back into the veg tent for the remaining 6 hours. At least then they will get some good hours of breathing space :)


Active Member
I do 18/6 also as its the best for autos from what ive seen...My hazes are giving me double as a couple of people growing with me and they do 20/4 and 1 is outside(so its exspected)....How long r u into flowering???


Active Member
They are only 5 days into flowering so quite early. Going to leave them on 18/6 but give them more room during the day by moving into my flowering room until its time for lights out.