Auto flowers - How to reactivate another veggie - bloom cycle


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Autoflowers - Seeds to Plants - Lifecycle Reactivate more grow cycles.

Basic genetics answers the questions about the makeup of autos. They grow, they bloom and end. The seed has a timer. It will bloom after a predetermined period.

Can autos Reactivate more grow cycles?
Most sources say that there down and the need for more seeds is need. This is because the mothers clones have the genetics programmed to bloom

After Harvest?
What happens after harvest.I have read few articles that suggest that the “plant dies.” I have read fewer articles about cutting the flower buds only and staging the plant at another Photo phase where the plant can become dormant and can start to begging to bloom again if retaining the main original mother plant.

Any Helpful Hints, Suggestions, or plain facts?
NO, once they have flowered there spent and die. you can take cuttings from them, but not much point in that. but to be honest your better off growing photoes and learning how to take cuttings and learning pruning tecnekes, you will get a much better understanding of growing, better returns and far far more satisfying growing them, you cant learn much with an auto