auto flowering


Active Member
I have a few questions for someone who is familiar with auto flowering plants. A grower friend gifted me with a few blueberry x lowryder 2 beans. I want to know how nutrient sensitive these plants are and a small germination question. I have gotten all ten to germ but once they have broken ground only 8 have shown leaves. The others are growing with the seed shell still over the first leaves. Should i use tweezers and remove the shell to expose green or give a week and see whats up then. Sorry i have never grown auto before.


Active Member
Be very gentle and take the seed shell off! As i have learnt, depending on your soil mix lowryders need no nutes, if you are putting nutes on put a very diluted mix of low nute on! i burnt the shit out of mine with nutes, they recovered but it stunted there growth badly! i have used p-k (bloom) nute when the plant enters the flowering stage! The joint doctor says to use bloom nutes in the 4th to 6th week if i remember rightly! Pot ash works just as well as bought nutes i have found(ash from the fire)!


Well-Known Member
:confused:i was wondering the same thing cuz im doing a lowryder dwarf mix it's about 2-3 days old now ... and says it takes 60 days from seeding and was wondering if i should use nuts for it.....


Active Member
na stay off the nutes till flowering mate! auto flowering plants are pretty much just seedlings till they start showing sex so cant take the shock of the nutes! get a good soil mix, prob best if you do your own and then the plant will have plenty of nutes from that! only use bloom in flowering to fatten up the buds and give you a better yield


Well-Known Member
I grow AF's alot.....No nutes until week 3 then I feed them bloom until week 8 then straight water for the next two weeks. yeah, carefully remove the seed shell with tweezers. Hope this helps.