Auto-Flower PH Stealth


Well-Known Member
Hey wat up guys and gals! Just wondering about some shit. I have drawn up some designs of a steal grow box that I want to put in my closet. The dimenisons are 30"t x 16"w x 10"l. I want to start a perpetual harvest using 4 lowrider#2 (and some other crosses) autoflowers and a 150W HPS. As far as the questions go: Will this light be sufficient?, What size Carbon filter should I make?, Will the HPS give off too much heat to not be a cooled reflector?, Should I go soil or aero?, and Does ne one know a good Nute regimen for auto flowerers?

You guys are fuckin awesome and have helped me out with a bunch of other questions so I figured I could ask tons more.

O and I will be growing in an apt. Is this a horrible idea or can it be done safely?

Peace not War


Well-Known Member
Auto-flowering strains are not suitable for perpetual harvest as you can't take clones.

Yes an apartment is an all around bad idea, get/fabricate the biggest carbon filter you can afford, 150watt hps will be sufficient for 4 plants if you keep them small, but they get pretty warm in enclosed spaces so be prepared to rig a cooling system. Soil is cheaper and more forgiving for first time growers. You'll need two grow areas for a proper perpetual harvest, one for mother and clones and one for flowering.
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Well-Known Member
And you'll still be waiting 2 months between harvests if you only have room for 4 plants.
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Well-Known Member
To me a bunch would be about 10 just to start and try. And I would be staggering the plants growing by about 3 weeks each just so I could be harvesting and curing every three weeks. thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hmm, if I were you I would increase the width and height of the box enough to accommodate 8-10 8inch pots. And build it out of a more heat friendly material (steel is going to retain a lot of heat).

Then for the first run, grow for more seeds, germinate 4 plants and keep any males, let them freely pollinate your females. While this will adversely affect the yield of your first grow, you will generate enough seed to start a true perpetual harvest without buying more seeds.

Once you've gotten your seed supply sorted, clean out the box and start 2 seeds, then next week start 2 more and so on until you've filled out the box. Replace males and harvested plants with fresh ones as needed on a weekly basis. The only problem is that you won't know the sex of the plants until they've grown for a couple weeks, this will lead to weeks that you won't be able to harvest, that's why it's preferable to use a mother and clone.

Using 8-10 plants staggered at 1 week intervals will insure that you have at least 2 plants a week that can turn male or not germinate and it won't set you back too long in terms of a 6 week harvest cycle.


Well-Known Member
hmm interesting i am going to use various types of auto-flowering due to my height problem and to get the hang of the hole growing thing so ill be watching this grow.

are u determined to do this with auto-flowering types?.if not then maybe do a scrog to help out on size restrictions and u can have a mother to help with speed and a for sure help since u will always get females,


Well-Known Member
O btw its not a steal grow box i just forgot the h. Its stealth so it has to be kinda small and ya i was thinking about germinating and gettin a bunch of seeds. I wouldnt really care if I didnt have harvests for a couple of weeks seeing as this is sort of an experiment cause i have never grown and it will only be for personal.