Auto Flower Nute Question (easy ryder/red dwarf))

Hi all, this is my first post and I need some help with my watering / feeding.

I have Feminised autoflower easy ryder and red dwarfs. from what i have read up on, I should be just watering for the first week or two then onto nutes at low strength building up gradually.
I needed to know if I should feed with nutes everytime I water or only once a week?. I will be watering only when needed as not to overwater.

When I grew a white widow, I ended up watering every two days will full nutes untill the last week before harvest, will I be killing my little babies if I nute with every water, or as mentioned above should I nute just once a week, with just water inbetween feedings?

set up is:
1st room- 4 easyryders under a 250w 2700k cfl + 4 x 24w 6400k bulbs

2nd room- 5 easyryders under a dual spectrum 300w cfl + 2 x 24w 6400k bulbs

3rd room- 10 red dwarfs under 5X 20w 2700k bulbs + 4x 24w 6400k bulbs

I plan to add more 2700k bulbs as i get further into the grow.

Any help will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, this is my first post and I need some help with my watering / feeding.

I have Feminised autoflower easy ryder and red dwarfs. from what i have read up on, I should be just watering for the first week or two then onto nutes at low strength building up gradually.
I needed to know if I should feed with nutes everytime I water or only once a week?. I will be watering only when needed as not to overwater.

When I grew a white widow, I ended up watering every two days will full nutes untill the last week before harvest, will I be killing my little babies if I nute with every water, or as mentioned above should I nute just once a week, with just water inbetween feedings?

set up is:
1st room- 4 easyryders under a 250w 2700k cfl + 4 x 24w 6400k bulbs

2nd room- 5 easyryders under a dual spectrum 300w cfl + 2 x 24w 6400k bulbs

3rd room- 10 red dwarfs under 5X 20w 2700k bulbs + 4x 24w 6400k bulbs

I plan to add more 2700k bulbs as i get further into the grow.

Any help will be appreciated.
If your using quialty soil u wont need any feeding for approx.3wks...i usually start out watering w half strength and feed every other watering so nute buildup is less likely to occur. watering every 2 days seems like alot as well..i usually water every 3-4 days for full size plants and 1x wk for babies
Im using Westland Multi purpose with John Inns and also perlite. water is just tap water that has been filtered, when I get the time I try to boil it first and allow to cool to room temp.
Ive been giving them light mist sprays with water everyday and the soil was soaked previous to potting the seeds.
I have a moisture/Ph meter that will give me some sort of idea but will not rely on that.

Im going to carry on with what Im doing for the next week or two.
Will it help if I introduce some light veg nutes before it has started to flower?

they are a week in and I notice a diffence everyday. Ive heard that it will explode into life when it starts to flower.
hope to get some pics on soon.
thanks for your advice.


New Member
I am currently growing those and other strains as well. I am using Moonshine soil mix. Its a super soil mix that consist of using Fox farms line of soil: Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, and Planting mix. Mix in with there Big and chunky brand perlite ( if you can find a generic large size perlite go with it if its less money) Using the big and chunky perlite helps aerate the soil and prevents from compressing.

I currently using fox farms line up of nutes. Grow big Tiger bloom and big bloom. I havent used the grow big at all because the soil is so rich. In matter of fact they say you can just add water and not using any nutes cause its so strong. I also see no problem when I drop the seeds in a rapid rooter plug and into the soil.. they do not suffer from any nute burn. I simply place plastic cups (obviously clear for light to pass thru) this keeps rh and temps at a ideal rate. when i visit grow room i lift up to change the air out and re spray the inside of the bottle and top of soil and plug with ph water.

I gave them light feedings when it comes to giving them nutes. Less is more... I did just as a rule of thumb I did as well, every other watering added my nutes. When I add my nutes, I add it in a gatorade bottle 32 oz with slight warm water. I shake vigrously then add to water and use my sprayer to fill up. This mixes nutes pretty good.

Everyone has there own methods.. just remember its a weed. I have been using tap water out my faucet which is a ph 6.7. Now I wouldnt suggest that to everyone, perhaps the soil has something to do with this. The plants have been doing great. I use to be the one to buy nothing but filtered water... but now when i have so many plants... its just not feasible now.. so i have a garden hose hooked up to sink and I use it to clean my dwc. and water my soil plants.

When it comes to watering the key especially with this soil is not to overwater. I generally give it 3-4 gallons per container. I believe i am using a rose pot which is tall and apx 3.75 gallons. I look for the run off at the bottom and usually there is about a inch standing in the trays. Now when I water , i am careful now to use full water pressure as this will compress the soil and cause the water to rush to the bottom. ( if your using a garden hose with sprayer) Give the containers a lift and feel how much it weighs. Try to feel how it weighs with and without water. YOu will begin to see how quick they will need it and a pattern will begin.

I give my plants a good watering every 3-5 days.. I believe today they will need more water...I currently have easy ryder and red dwarf in flowering right now. I spaced out my seeds one every 2 weeks give or take. That way a harvest can be made bi weekly based on how many seeds you plant. Both plants are well over a foot tall. They smell great within the grow area. I am using a homemade DIY Ona gel bucket that stays on 24/7. Most people have it on a timer as its strong.. apparently I need it on 24/7 so the plants dont stink up the whole house.\
u sound like u have more experience than me, can you plz advice on how these are coming along? cheers!
The grow is over now but I was suprised how well the autoflowers did.

I was successful with all of the Red Dwarf seeds. 10 out of 10 popped and all but two stayed relitively short. I was able to get around 3/4 to 1 oz dry off these. They crystalised to fuck and was a nice smoke once cured a little.

The Easy Ryders didnt do as well and although gave a liitle more bud than the Red Dwarfs. half of them seemed to grow almost double in height with stretching between nodes. lights were always 4-6inches from plant. The smoke was not as nice as the red dwarfs, and tasted a little weird? both of which though blew my head off a bit!

If I was to grow autos again I would defo do some Red Dwarf seeds from Buddah seed bank.

As far as nutes and feeding. The biobizz Bloom and molasses worked a treat and would reccommend.

A few pics below: pic 1 - Easy Ryders pruned up.
Pic 2 and 3 - Easy Ryders
Pic 4 and 5 - Red Dwarfs few weeks before harvest

