Auto Easy ryder (ak-47 X Low ryder) T5 light, 1st Grow


Auto Easy Ryder (ak47 X LowRyder) GROW

Hello everyone, I have selected this forum for my grow journal due to the immense amount of knowledge I have found the growers to have on this forum, as this is my first grow any information no matter how small is useful and important to me so please feel free to hop in and make a suggestion or give a tip.

Alright Ill be growing 5 easyryder beans from Joint doctor, Thanks to Attitude.

*My Setup*

This will be a closet grow, The closet is a double door standard loft closet, about 10 foot wide about 2 foot deep and 8 foot tall. The ceilings in the loft are 12 foot as the closet is only 8 foot so the top of the closet is open.. i figure this will help with ventelation. The closet has been fully lined with mylar reflective as well as the floor, an air purification system will be in the closet along with a 16 inch fan of decent power. i will have a Co2 setup using and airpump and home made Co2 Mixture.

- 8 floro t5 tubes -
*4 Veg spectrum, 4 Flowering spec -2x 26 watt or 100watt equivalent CFL
-2x 13 watt or 60watt equivalent CFL

-The small CFL's will be used around the base of the plant to stimulate growth on the lower or bottom parts of the plants. the T5 tubes are in a HID system allowing 4 to run at a time, will run 4 veg tubes untill third set of leaves and switch to 2 veg 2 flower and then eventually just 4 straight flower tubes. 4 tubes at one time is 210 watts with CFL's on total Watt in use - 370 Watt's

-Medium & Nutes-

-Soil Medium - Fox Farm Ocean Forest

-Nutes - Earth Juice Organic nutes..
Grow, Bloom, MicroBlast

*Will be using 3 Gallon pots.

5 seeds arrived yesterday, they were nice enough to throw in the free UFO DNA gentics Lemon Skunk, as well as RockLock.. look forward to these grows in the future :bigjoint:

Seeds have been put into the germination using the paper towl method.. paper towel soaked in room temp pure water, 5 seeds put onto the paper towel, towel folded over and placed into a small zip lock bag and then placed in 80 degree room. this was done not 5 minutes ago.. expecting germination between 36 to 48 hours.

Will be posting pictures of this grow soon, havent gotten my camera from a friends yet but will do so soon and take pics of products and grow room. please feel free to ask questions or give advice.. im excited about this grow thanks to all who may look over it.

Also just added info i will be doing LST (low stress training) on 1 or 2 of these plans just to see how these autflowers react in comparison to non LST plants.. based on growth speed, bud sites and general yeild.

Wish Me luck and please feel free to jump in :)


Hello Everyone.. I checked in on the seeds today, pulled them out of the bag and was pleased to find that all 5 of the seeds had germinated.. i filled my pots full of fox farm ocean forest today and of coarse.. only had enough for three out of the 5 pots.. so i ran to the hydro store and of coarse even though according to the posted store hours the shop was closed... its is 4/19 though haha maybe they were gearin up for 4/20 :)

anyway I decided to take the 3 seeds with the longest tap root and plant them, the other two will have to wait untill tomorrow to be put in soil.. i light watered the top of the soil and dug my little holes and dropped the seeds tap root down and covered them up and again a little saturation on the surface with room temp purifide water. i then placed them under the veg lights (should i have done this?? i dont wanna harm them, the lights are on to help evaporate the bowl of water i put in there to help regulate the humidity levels)

so thats the update so far.. pics coming soon.

come on peeps jump in and come on this ride with me, i know ill need the help.

happy smokin :p


Hello everyone (if anyone even looks at this haha) Well the other two seeds finally found a home in pots full of foxfarm.. I did a good heavy 10% run off watering yesterday and woke up this morning to find that all of the seedlings have sprouted :) :) all are looking spunky and healthy the light is sitting about 4 inches above them right now and the fans are on. Ill do a light water here tonight before i go to bed and check back in with all of you tomorrow. seeing the 5 plants all popin p to say hello this morning really really has me excited. I hope someone joins in and watches over this for me, like I said everything is great so far but tips and suggestions are alwa welcome and im bound to run into a problem here any day now... hope i have someone to converse with when that problem comes. happy smokin, happy holiday hope everyne had a great 4/20. check in soon. PEACE :p


Active Member
I'm subscribed... Some pictures would be kick ass, sounds like your growroom is pretty sweet.


Hey 150watt thanks man.. its nice to have another voice on this thread, yes i will be loading this journal with pics here soon.. camera issues still preventing that at the moment.

yeah the initial idea of the grow room was pretty sweet but as of now is still kinda bland.. i just have the lights, fan and air purification in there now.. i need get my accent lights (the small CFL's) installed as well as get my C02 setup going.. have all the parts and pieces for everything but the mass amounts I have been smoking lately seem to effect my work ethic:eyesmoke:

anyway thanks again for jumping on board my friend.


Haha true that.. its was all in good spirit of the holiday man, im back to the rego now so ill be gettin shit done the rest of the week haha.


Just a little update, all the plants are looking good.. most are developing true leaves and starting to produce small hairs on the surface, tallest one stands about 2 inches.. i do have a concern with two of the plants out of the first 3 that i planted... they have popped above the surface and you can see leaves forming but the seed shell is still holding on to the tips of the leaves.. just sitting there.. i dont know if it is a big deal or not.. i honestly want to just pull it off with my fingers it looks like could but if its part of the process i dont want to get involved. so tell me fellas is that something to worry about or will the shell fall of here soon?


yeah its not coming off lol.. i start pulling the whole plant starts coming up out of the soil so im leaving it... when i checked it this morning you can see the smaller fan leaves just shooting out of the side lol according to color it looks healthy.. im just gonna let it ride and see what happens with it. thanks for the advice though gonna +rep you just cause i can tell you will be help through out this grow just by what you have said so far bro.


Just got home tonight and happy to report that the shell on one of the plants that i mentioned wa having seed shell issues has popped off YAAAY ha now if only the other one would shed its shell... other than that the grow is going awesome, anyway i got my camera back today! so ill be posting pics asap.. would do it now but i had a long hardy night at the bar and just dont have it in me haha. ill check in soon.


Active Member
im probably ab to start growing the same under ab the same conditions. subscribed! cant wait to see more progress


well boys this morning the other seed shell was still holding on for dear life to the leaves so i puled that SOB off the plant haha it came off without complications so im happy to say now that all 5 of my easy ryders are looking good today.. the one large plant looks totally on the indica side the rest look sativa though i gotta say the one i pulled the seeds off of may have a little more indica in it than the others alot like its much larger sister next to it.. we'll see though..

its amazing the size difference between the indica looking one and the sative looking ones. anyway all of the plants have began to produce a second set of fuller leaves over night.. I PH balanced some water to about 6.2 yesterday and added just a touch of microblast and grow formula and man did they love it over night while i slept because today they are looking STRONG major growth over night. anyway thats all for now fellas pics will come tonight im excited to get them on here.

thank you to the couple new subscribers, goonin i did alot of research on these plants and everything i used in my setup before i started this man and i highly suggest you go with the same thing (based on information) obviously i cant say much about the plants cause they havent grown up yet haha but so far its gone off without a real hitch and been very easy to look after.. great for a first timer like myself. ill be updating with those pics soon PEACE.


Well the pics are out of dat the girls are 10 days old right now but you can get the jist of things from the pics, looks like i got 1 plant thats a beast one plant that is a runt and the other two are prolly about normal. so far no troubles except the poor girls keep getting moved around do to renovations in the grow room goin on right now. Ill have updated pics on here soon (having trouble getting camera to charge)

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