Auto Berry 59 days from seed...still no white pistols!!!! Advice please...


Active Member
Well I thought I would post this here and see if anyone has any advice. I am growing Auto Berrys and they are 59 days from seed and should have been done by now. My 2 small girls are flowering really well and I am hoping they will be done before I leave for a week on Christmas Eve.

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The Big Girl is my problem!! Now don't get me wrong she is a fucking gorgeous girl who is dense and has the biggest fan leaves I have ever seen. She is just refusing to flower. I thought I was seeing some white pistols a few days ago but now I am not sure. Once she decides to get with the program she is going to have a ton of budsites but she needs to make a move before she outgrows her home!

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I am hoping the other 2 are done in the next 3 weeks and then I am thinking of putting her in the dark for 24 hours to see if I can give her a little push to get a move on....any suggestions out there from more experienced growers would be appreciated.

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
I don't have much to say about your particular situation, but I personally wouldn't grow auto or feminized plants even if the seeds were free. I mean, I can understand people wanting to cross strains so that certain physical characteristics come through, but when you start fucking around with the sex and flowering something is bound to go astray. Kind of like the difference between mother nature wearing different makeup versus getting major plastic surgery. The latter is prone to much more complications.


Active Member
You have an over nute problem which is delaying your flowering. In addition to that your PH may be fluctuating a bit. Be consistent with your feeding. What are you mixing your nutes in? How big is the reservoir? what is your ratio? and what type of food?


Active Member
PH is 5.8 and ppm's are 900...reservoir holds a little less than a gallon. I use GH nutes and mix them in a gallon jug of ph'd ro water so I do not think that it is overfeeding....


Active Member
All sign point to the statement I made earlier. A reservoir that small doesn't leave much room for forgivness. How much nutes are you giving them?


Active Member
3.5l res - now thats small! thought mine was small at 18 gallon! can they not be moved to a bigger more stable tank?


Active Member
3.5l res - now thats small! thought mine was small at 18 gallon! can they not be moved to a bigger more stable tank?
My grow area is only 2X2X4 so I can't get much problem is that all 3 are in the same tank....I won't make that mistake again!!! I have purchased a bit bigger container and will some how get them moved by tonight.


Active Member
What happens in a reservoir that small is that it is limited to its up-take, often leading to problems. I would suggest 5 gallon buckets, but if you are "space limited", @ least 2 gallons would manage. I imagine you have one plant in each container that size?!?! Can you put them in a larger container?


Active Member
All sign point to the statement I made earlier. A reservoir that small doesn't leave much room for forgivness. How much nutes are you giving them?
I mix 3 tsp of bloom and 1tsp of grow and they also get 1 tsp of hygrozyme mixed in a gallon of water...