Martin Timothy
Well-Known Member
FHC Aug 26, 2008.
Hello Timothy,
I am certainly not Mossad and I do not have killed her, as you question on your web-site. Trying to make me a suspect in this case does not help the cause we both of us fight. I really did not expect such a negativ move to make me a suspecious person in those case from you .. Please consider what you publish on the internet carefully!
Cheerio Fritz-Harry Cremer.
The July 2000 Disappearance of Steven Goldsmith, in Brisbane Au.
Steven Goldsmith was a Jew, his disappearance appears to be ground work for future charges Jews have been "disappeared," while nobody gave a good G-d damn becuz they were Jews!
Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch!!

Katherine Schweitzer went public in an interview with Australian 60 Minutes reporter Richard Carleton in the 1990's, that the Jew who arrested her Budapest family in 1944 and sent them to Auschwitz, whence only she survived out of fourteen, was living a few doors up on the same street in Sydney.
Her body was discovered December 28, 2006, in a rubbish bin inside her high security Sydney apartment building, four weeks after her story went onto the i'net, there was a Jewish gathering in Sydney at that time attended by numerous international visitors, and many high profile Jews attended her funeral, including the tall dood pictured among the Hare Krishna impersonators below.

Former and current Australian Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd & Tony Abbott, were recipients of the union email that went out November 30, 2006. with her story in it, we will call both as witnesses when the New South Wales Government holds the Coronial Inquest, that we are demanding takes place into her death.
Fritz-Harry Cremer who could be Mossad and could have talked his way into her apartment and killed her, rang here in January 2007 and asked if he could visit, he said he had read some of the posts at, and asked one to attend an arranged public meeting in Brisbane as a guest speaker.
Declining on the grounds that after having been public in Brisbane since the mid 1990’s, re murder and disappearance on the Docks, nobody but nobody had shown the slightest interest, then when telling him of the campaign we have underway re Ms Schweitzer’s death his demeanor changed visibly, leading to the belief he was her killer.
Later that year he rang here again and again wanted to visit, refusing once more on the grounds that since he is a big strong fella, there would be little chance of mounting a successful defense if he turned nasty.
FHC Aug 26, 2008.
Hello Timothy,
I am certainly not Mossad and I do not have killed her, as you question on your web-site. Trying to make me a suspect in this case does not help the cause we both of us fight. I really did not expect such a negativ move to make me a suspecious person in those case from you .. Please consider what you publish on the internet carefully!
Cheerio Fritz-Harry Cremer.
Nobody from the world wide Jewish community has bothered to lift a finger, to get on side with this matter and demand her murder be investigated, to the end that prosecution be levied against her killer. Jewish credibility is zero, it does not exist, the only response at as many Jewish websites as would take the post has been scorn.
We got in touch with Detective Inspector Oxford the first day, he never got back to us, another police sergeant from Eastern Suburbs Police rang, we told him of the Jew, 60 Minutes, Holocaust, email connection and he never got back to us either!
According to Alex Jones George Soros "cataloged" the possessions of Jews deported from Budapest at that time, we say he was "hands on" in her case.
The July 2000 Disappearance of Steven Goldsmith, in Brisbane Au.
Brisbane Australia July 2000: On the supermarket checkout line one evening, there was a red haired guy in his twenties who looked a bit lost, his name was Steven Goldsmith, he had come to my door a couple of years before hawking a book of his poetry.
He was wearing worn football shorts, sneakers, T shirt, and a light jacket, the line I was in ran parallel to his while he shuffled forward open faced and vulnerable, he was with a fellow who was a regular patron of the local gym, who was a policeman as far as I knew, who saw me looking and glared.
A couple days later Goldsmith was reported missing by a flatmate who had not seen him for several days .. after getting no response from an internet campaign, in 2006 I contacted Queensland Police Missing Persons, and told them I had information re this young man's disappearance, the woman to whom I was directed said her name was Clair then got bitchy and hung up.
Ringing back she would provide no further information like her full name and police rank, when I protested she got bitchy and hung up again, going into Police HQ in Brisbane the next day, Dec 28, 2006, the same KS' body was found in Sydney, and telling them I wished to report the sighting, the police at the desk told me to "get out."

Update: A Google search for Steven Goldsmith turned up a listing for Australian Missing Persons, contacting them in November 2006 and telling them the whole story, that this was only one of many cases we have on file re inadequate police response re murder.
Then getting back to them again in May 2007, the same ppl @ said an Australian TV Station had contacted them re this young man's disappearance, that they had advised the television people of the connection to Fitzone Gym.
That the TV people had contacted the Gym in question and the supermarket where I had reported seeing him, whereas the supermarket said security footage from that far back was no longer available, while Fitzone Gym said Steven Goldsmith had never been a member .. no one ever said Goldsmith had been a member.
The person with him on the night he disappeared was for a period of years, a regular and prominent member of a clique of undesirables who frequented the gym, who were police as far as I knew since they looked and acted like police, and drove half broke down old automobiles which is what police drive.
Which leads to the conclusion the Australian Missing Persons website, is a false flag op in the matter of murder and disappearance.
Steven Goldsmith was a Jew, his disappearance appears to be ground work for future charges Jews have been "disappeared," while nobody gave a good G-d damn becuz they were Jews!

The height of cynicism: This poster has recently appeared in Sydney Street New Farm, adjacent to Mr Goldsmith's previous residence!

Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch!!
The whole case resonates with the Johnny Gosh case in the United States, he was abducted at twelve years of age in a highly publicized kidnap, to become a "Milk Carton Kid," his image was published on some billions of milk cartons across the USA .. during which campaign he was photographed in company with George HW Bush, then Vice President of the United States!