
We are currently growing in super soil and are experiencing some type of nutrient problem. We originally meant to post here but accidentally posted in organics. Our Ph has been between 6 and 6.5 for the entire grow. Plants are in 4 gallon, or more, buckets. The bat guano we got is watered in every four weeks. The only humic acid we could find is a water-in type, which is also every four weeks. We are using a bloom booster, 0-10-10, that says to use in combination with your normal nutrients. When deficiency symptoms first showed, we fed with a little fish emulsion. We've gotten a few responses but would really like your opinion on this. All we've done so far is a flush and before we go forward with any further treatment, we would like to hear from you. The original post with pictures of the effected leaves, as well as pics of a shiva skunk who's further along and uneffected, is here:

Thanks so much, Ali


Well-Known Member
Over fed easy your applying additional food that the recipe clearly dosnt call for.
When people deviate from the formula I cant begain to trouble shoot but if your using liquid bloom booster and liguid guano and humic acid then youve over done it mate.



if your using liquid bloom booster and liguid guano and humic acid then youve over done it mate.


the only thing additional i am using is the bloom booster, which says to use in combination with your normal nutrients. there is no humic acid in the soil, the only kind i could find is watered in every four weeks. there is also no bat guano mixed in the soil. the guano i'm using is not liquid, it is sunleaves bat guano and the directions say to water in up to 3 tablespoons per gallon of water every four weeks. next time i'll
do differently but this time i have 23 large plants already flowering that i NEED to see good results from. i flushed each plant with 12 gallons of water and have given them only water since. when i look at the pics of the leaves i know what it looks like to me, i just wanna get some other opinions. does the flush remove any of the nutes from the soil? if this is simple over-feeding why does a plant half the size, that is a month ahead have no yellowing and huge buds? (see pic at the link above) when this first started i was told from someone that you use a tea that your recipe doesn't call for to fix deficiencies. what deficiencies? if the nutrients in the soil are good for the plant's entire life why would there be deficiencies half way through flowering? if there is someone that can look at pics, identify a problem, and tell me what to do from here i would REALLY appreciate it!!
thanks so much!-ali


Well-Known Member
I am clueless what your on about mate. Thousands of people world wide use my recipe and only add water throughout the entire cycle. If you have made alterations to the recipe then its not super soil and the issues your having are the same ones I had before I perfected the mix.
I was always guessing if I needed more or less and my crops were not consistent. Now I make the recipe the same each time and I have had like 50 consistent cycles that is why I keep using it.



"on about"? i'm on about getting to the root of the problem and so far you've been absolutely no help!! whats done is done and my plants need help. i realize that i have deviated from the recipe. i know its not exactly super soil. i just dont see what difference it makes if the humic acid is watered in or mixed in the soil and the same goes for the bat guano. i was hoping you could maybe tell me the difference. you've been through all this so i figured if anyone could help it would be you. if you use a tea on larger plants half way through flowering to fix deficiencies why is that not mentioned with the recipe and why have you said nothing of this to me thus far? i am only assuming this is true because someone on this site told me that this is what you recommend. so you're saying based on your knowledge the pics look like overfeeding caused by the booster, plain and simple? i'm sorry, i just have a lot riding on this grow. i have 7 different varieties going right now (i also picked up some pandoras box that i'll be starting next and i cant wait) and not all look like the ones in the pictures. some need more or less of something and i wanted some opinions on what that is. like i said i realize i screwed up but what i need to know is how to correct this problem and still end up with a good crop. or should i just kill 'em off and start over?


Well-Known Member
I do not see any pictures to look at??

I dont use any food on my plants I top dress instead. What I may have said is IF a plant shows signs of deficiency that I would then feed a plant but its really rare for anyone to need additional food.
Can you list exactly what you used in the recipe?
What is your water source?
The PPM of the water? The PH of the water? there are many many factors your simply not addressing in order for anyone to help. Temps humidity all play a factor in nutrient uptake.

I am not a trouble shooter though I simply came up with a recipe that worked for me and works for many others I have no magic solution I am sorry.