Attention Normal Pragmatic pre-2016 Lower Deficit Bill Kristol Type Republicans


Well-Known Member
You really fucked up bad letting the criminal element take over the white house.
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Right down the toilet you go. A soon politically disabled Trump will be gone on Jan. 19th, 2021. President-for-a-day Pence with pardon him (for simply getting to be #46 on those restaurant placemats), but maybe you might get the white house back again in the 2030's if you do the following:

1. Disown the entire Trump family. Nothing good will ever become of them. Maybe try to spin them as 'former Democrats'.

2. Immediately disown white nationalists, neo-nazis and the KKK. There aren't good people on both sides, the secret is out. You'll have to replace those 20,000,000 votes by appealing to swing voters and doing a better job of voter suppression. The Jews will not replace you, I guarantee it.

3. Protect Mueller. He's your best fucking friend even though you're too stupid to realize it. If you have a life threatening malignant tumor that can be surgically removed, you surgically remove it and try to live on.

4. Start not liking Russians again like you did since 1945. Not liking Soviets and Russians has always been the backbone of the Republican party. Until the Trump-
RussianCollusion/MoneyLaundering/Rigged Election of 2016.

5. Accept Global Warming and get on the bandwagon of reducing carbon. You look stupid as fuck denying that the record temps., storms, droughts and fires aren't a part of it.

6. Disavow all conspiracy theory websites and rely on the truth. There are all kinds of truthful issues to run on. Like the deficit that Trump exploded with tax cuts.

7. Fuck that wall. Better off with green cards that have a flashing LED when they expire since most 'over stays' flew in at an airport. And Trump needs workers at his hotels anyway and has hired the undocumented in the past many times.

8. Stop worrying about some girl you never met getting an abortion. It's none of your business unless you fucked her. Then you'll likely be all for it. If men could get pregnant, abortion rights would be in the constitution. Ben Franklin would have had a coat hanger attached to his kite instead of a key. Did I mention it's none of your business unless you fucked her? And even then you only get to offer an opinion.

If it comes down to throwing Trump under the bus to save your party, how hard can it be? He's a creep and everybody knows it by now and anybody can be replaced. Wake up and join the fucking future. And go find somebody else for 2020.
I can't wait til the democratic front runners start trying to out liberal each other on the campaign trail.
You really fucked up bad letting the criminal element take over the white house.
View attachment 4248255
Right down the toilet you go. A soon politically disabled Trump will be gone on Jan. 19th, 2021. President-for-a-day Pence with pardon him (for simply getting to be #46 on those restaurant placemats), but maybe you might get the white house back again in the 2030's if you do the following:

1. Disown the entire Trump family. Nothing good will ever become of them. Maybe try to spin them as 'former Democrats'.

2. Immediately disown white nationalists, neo-nazis and the KKK. There aren't good people on both sides, the secret is out. You'll have to replace those 20,000,000 votes by appealing to swing voters and doing a better job of voter suppression. The Jews will not replace you, I guarantee it.

3. Protect Mueller. He's your best fucking friend even though you're too stupid to realize it. If you have a life threatening malignant tumor that can be surgically removed, you surgically remove it and try to live on.

4. Start not liking Russians again like you did since 1945. Not liking Soviets and Russians has always been the backbone of the Republican party. Until the Trump-
RussianCollusion/MoneyLaundering/Rigged Election of 2016.

5. Accept Global Warming and get on the bandwagon of reducing carbon. You look stupid as fuck denying that the record temps., storms, droughts and fires aren't a part of it.

6. Disavow all conspiracy theory websites and rely on the truth. There are all kinds of truthful issues to run on. Like the deficit that Trump exploded with tax cuts.

7. Fuck that wall. Better off with green cards that have a flashing LED when they expire since most 'over stays' flew in at an airport. And Trump needs workers at his hotels anyway and has hired the undocumented in the past many times.

8. Stop worrying about some girl you never met getting an abortion. It's none of your business unless you fucked her. Then you'll likely be all for it. If men could get pregnant, abortion rights would be in the constitution. Ben Franklin would have had a coat hanger attached to his kite instead of a key. Did I mention it's none of your business unless you fucked her? And even then you only get to offer an opinion.

If it comes down to throwing Trump under the bus to save your party, how hard can it be? He's a creep and everybody knows it by now and anybody can be replaced. Wake up and join the fucking future. And go find somebody else for 2020.
Rebuke and disavow Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich forever.
You really fucked up bad letting the criminal element take over the white house.
View attachment 4248255
Right down the toilet you go. A soon politically disabled Trump will be gone on Jan. 19th, 2021. President-for-a-day Pence with pardon him (for simply getting to be #46 on those restaurant placemats), but maybe you might get the white house back again in the 2030's if you do the following:

1. Disown the entire Trump family. Nothing good will ever become of them. Maybe try to spin them as 'former Democrats'.

2. Immediately disown white nationalists, neo-nazis and the KKK. There aren't good people on both sides, the secret is out. You'll have to replace those 20,000,000 votes by appealing to swing voters and doing a better job of voter suppression. The Jews will not replace you, I guarantee it.

3. Protect Mueller. He's your best fucking friend even though you're too stupid to realize it. If you have a life threatening malignant tumor that can be surgically removed, you surgically remove it and try to live on.

4. Start not liking Russians again like you did since 1945. Not liking Soviets and Russians has always been the backbone of the Republican party. Until the Trump-
RussianCollusion/MoneyLaundering/Rigged Election of 2016.

5. Accept Global Warming and get on the bandwagon of reducing carbon. You look stupid as fuck denying that the record temps., storms, droughts and fires aren't a part of it.

6. Disavow all conspiracy theory websites and rely on the truth. There are all kinds of truthful issues to run on. Like the deficit that Trump exploded with tax cuts.

7. Fuck that wall. Better off with green cards that have a flashing LED when they expire since most 'over stays' flew in at an airport. And Trump needs workers at his hotels anyway and has hired the undocumented in the past many times.

8. Stop worrying about some girl you never met getting an abortion. It's none of your business unless you fucked her. Then you'll likely be all for it. If men could get pregnant, abortion rights would be in the constitution. Ben Franklin would have had a coat hanger attached to his kite instead of a key. Did I mention it's none of your business unless you fucked her? And even then you only get to offer an opinion.

If it comes down to throwing Trump under the bus to save your party, how hard can it be? He's a creep and everybody knows it by now and anybody can be replaced. Wake up and join the fucking future. And go find somebody else for 2020.

is this an op ed rant about bill kristol? those voters are now indies or went full dem- the rest are the 33% cage matchers- and there's no talking to them..THEY ARE TRUMP. @NOW4LIFE posted some very nice YTs which proved that point just the other day.

pence-for-a-day? silence is NOT always golden..omission of; or not saying anything and just being there does not exonerate's called COMPLICIT..he COULD blink his eyes..once for yes..twice for no..remember these people WORK FOR US and he has a fiduciary to the american people..cohen's speech yesterday was a fail..his apology to the AMERICAN PEOPLE? was a tacked on insult (the best he could muster after 24/7 shite we had to listen 'so what?')- which is why judge went directly to sentence before cohen seated and tears dried.

the fact of the matter remains, you can 'beseech' all you want..have all the letters and friends and family with you, but it had no effect on his sentencing..did it?

nice read though.
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Oh goodness. So much is wrong with the above I just don't know where to begin. Odd to be coming from somebody who routinely calls out others for posting their opinions, entreating them to "get back to us when you have facts." But she cited some yootube videos from a Trumper.

But I have grown used to such hypocrisy.