Asshole Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
I propose, due to the recent (?) and ongoing bitchery, nastiness, and negativity that seems to be a pervasive feature on these forums, an Asshole Thread be created so that all you angry motherfuckers can vent and spew all the shit that seems to be congesting your bowels.


I feel that this would save a lot of people a lot of time they would otherwise spend sifting through all the goddamn irrelevant comments that have little or nothing to do with what the thread was originally created for. May peace, love, acceptance, compassion, wisdom and serenity find their way to the hearts of all you pissed off, sexually frustrated assholes!!!



Sector 5 Moderator
LMAO. Porchmonkey I agree with you. I used to spend hours on this forum every day but due to there suddenly becoming so many assholes, usually with less than 5 posts, I only check here maybe twice a week and most of the time I don't even post. It's not the first time I've been disappointed in a forum getting overrun by little pricks sitting behind their keyboards.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. Porchmonkey I agree with you. I used to spend hours on this forum every day but due to there suddenly becoming so many assholes, usually with less than 5 posts, I only check here maybe twice a week and most of the time I don't even post. It's not the first time I've been disappointed in a forum getting overrun by little pricks sitting behind their keyboards.
I was wondering where you've been. Don't let the pricks get you down!


Well-Known Member
the only ones who call me an asshole are the Aerogardeners hahahaha

and that dude who cant spell our, he says OWER



Well-Known Member
I saw that,what the hell does "OWER" even supposed to mean,it cant be our,can it ?
YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!

he was trying to say 'OUR'


im sorry. call me an asshole.

but if you cant even spell OUR, you need to log the fuck out, kill all your plants, growing ambitions included.

you need to get your priorities in order, i dont give a fuck if this is a pot growing forum or not.

cant spell our.....houston, thas a problem!


Well-Known Member
Dude, you read my mind. It seems that most people in these forums are just trying to be helpful. But that doesn't seem to keep away all the pricks. Anonymity causes assholes to be even bigger assholes. I find that most people are really helpful if questions are asked politely. But there's always going to be that prick or two that has to put their negative 2 cents in. Too bad...