ARGGHH! I think it's a male. Can someone confirm?


Active Member

This is the first time i've encountered this. I've researched (google lol) males for the past hour and a half. I read that sometimes sexing varies from strains. So here.. just break it to me. It's a male, isn't it?


Active Member
Sure is! Definitely male. Maybe use this opportunity to separate it in an isolated location, capture the pollen, and carefully brush the pollen on a few select buds of a female to get some seeds.


Active Member
Thanks. What a bummer. Just hope he didn't spread his evil on the 2 girls already. DAMN. I paid for FEM's too. Thanks for the quick response. he's been removed :neutral:


Active Member
I've sat here and thought long and hard about that. But, I have zero stash right now. I just don't know if I want to take that chance... I've never done it before, and if I screw it up, I'll have yet another lifetime to wait for a new bunch.