Are This Nutrients Any Good?


Active Member
:mrgreen: HEY GUYS MY FRIEND RECENTLY GAVE ME A BIG BUCKET OF MAXIGROW IT COMES IN A GREEN POWDER FORM. THE OTHER ONE IS KOOLBLOOM BOTH FROM GENERAL HYDROPONICS NUTRIENT LINE. my question is are these nutrients good do they have a good reputation, if anyone outhere had try then please let me know what was the results and how they can be used and what additives can i buy to combine the maxi grow and the koolbloom...????
rite know am using DNF A n B grow and A n B bloom plus floralicious grow and bloom and for my flowering third week period big bud.....please be free to tell me and share ur knowledge...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm a newbie. I *think* that if its water soluble its good overall. Organic is most useful during flowering since thats the last stretch. (careful what you smoke/inhale type-of-thing The 'You are what you eat' also pertains to plants)

The time released nutes seem to be on the unsavory side. Hard to control.

(looks good on paper, but so did the spruce goose)