Are they rooting ??? Help.


Active Member
So here's the scenario, I took cuttings off of a plant that was a week into flower. I dipped my clones in the cloning gel I bought from my local grow shop, placed them in a rooting cube thingy, put that into a 3" net pot filled with off brand hardware store soil, and put that in a cloning tent. And they are under (2) 70w MH lights, and (2) 4100k fluorescents 24/0 I used the cloning tent for about the first week, and now they are just under the lights without the tent. I feel as though it is deff warm enough for them, and they are deff watered enough, but here's where I'm confused.... They have been under this light setup for almost a week and a half, and they really havent shown any sign of getting better and growing OR dying.... Other than the leaves drooping a little from being cut off the plant, they haven't changed at all. I would think that by a week and a half there would be some kind of noticeable change, good or bad. I would appreciate if someone can give me advice or tell me what I'm doing wrong, or do I just have to be patient lol should I switch their lights to 18/6 and give them some night time ??


Active Member
you should switch to a bit of a night cycle. plants do much better with a bit of a rest. if they still look healthy and green then i wouldn't worry about them. under the best conditions it takes about a week to get roots and another before the plant really starts growing.

little k

when i take clones i cut dip plant and put a humidity dome on for about 2 weeks make sure it has humidity spray the dome and the plant and in two weeks i always have roots. And how close are the lights you dont need much light for clones. i also do 18/6 i used to go 24 but i find doing that stretches the plant more.


Active Member
they can take a few weeks keep the lights on them 24hrs..give them a light spray 1-2 times a day and water the soil if they start to yellow don't mist them so much..i use a clear cup for clones it tells me how good rooting is going look for signs of small sprouts around the leaf nodes..too see if they are starting to grow... i use a mag glass to check...


Well-Known Member
I disagree with having them in a hum set up for longer then a week, I agree they should have lights off sometime....all my clones had indirect light until rooting, definitely heat because they were in the same veg area, but no direct light. And I agree with u there should be some change, & I also use gel but simply put them right into soil. I found out the hard way with my 1st set, waiting too long in the hum tent, & waiting to check them. If it has been 10 days, simply & ever so gently give a tug on the lower stem....if they dont pop right out, they r rooted. Because if they r not rooted they come out, zip, easy and u will see what is left of a shredded erroding stem. and if they havent started to root in 10 days & after a week under the tent, they rnt gonna, in my opinion or if they do will be weak plants.

on the other note, because ur clone came from a flowering plant, like the other poster said, it could take a few weeks before u can put it back in flower....but u might have already known that, good luck.