Are they all females? please help


Active Member
New pictures, and just like the other day, one is definitely a female. I've added photos of the other three and marked what I think is sex signs with the arrows. Could you please confirm the sex? They all show 1 white hair, but not a V pair.

Do I have 4/4 females? Please help :)


Well-Known Member
I wish I could comment but I'm in the same situation. They look female to me! But I've been known to be wrong!~


Active Member
only 5 days into 12/12 :)

Knowing they are all females would make me a happy guy! that would mean 4/4 :)


Well-Known Member
New pictures, and just like the other day, one is definitely a female. I've added photos of the other three and marked what I think is sex signs with the arrows. Could you please confirm the sex? They all show 1 white hair, but not a V pair.

Do I have 4/4 females? Please help :)
To my eye, #'s 3 & 4 appear to DEFINITELY be female. #1 & #2 could be emergent males, they both appear to have features that I'm seeing on several of my own plants as well. Part of the problem, I think, is that when these pre-flowers are coming up they aren't readily differentiated by eye until they grow a bit further.

Good shots! I have to turn my lens around to get the good macros, and I have several (actually, over 20) folders of pictures of plants that I'm trying to get sexed. Then I overwatered and have killed at least 5 out of 25. What a fuckin' dumb shit boner dickhead move THAT was. I knew I was overwatering, but I fuckin' did it anyway. I am still kicking myself in the ass. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
only 5 days into 12/12 :)

Knowing they are all females would make me a happy guy! that would mean 4/4 :)
I asked because males generally show well before females, but 5 days is quick in anyone's book, so I guess it wouldn't apply?


Well-Known Member
I asked because males generally show well before females, but 5 days is quick in anyone's book, so I guess it wouldn't apply?
I keep reading this, but right now my own experience is proving otherwise. I have positively identified at least three plants out of twenty-five as females. One of which I killed this weekend. On the other hand I have only positively identified two males, one of which I killed this weekend. All the others are indeterminate, and a few aren't showing ANY pre-flowers at all.

Mr. Fishy, I love your fish face. :D I know I could probably peg the species, but every time I look at it I smile and forget to think on it.


Active Member
heh :) well, thanks mate! I sure hope so!
They grow really fast. you can see the grow journal, i'm posting some new photos right now. They've made a long way in a really short time, and the all look strong and healthy now, so... I can only hope this is true :)


i would say ur a lucky man because they look like they're gonna be all hoochies.