Are these plants underwatered?

So this is my first grow. I have 2 seedlings that have been growing for about 2 weeks. The leaves look a little droopy and the bottom 2 petals (the first 2 leaves that sprout) are turnin yellow. Is it because they are dropping them? I don't think it is over watered because a few days ago I over watered them but they fully recovered in less than 24 hrs.



Active Member
Your plant looks fine to me. It's much harder to underwater a cannabis plant than to over water it...its a pretty drought resistant plant. The cotyledons (embryonic leaves) turning yellow is normal. Mine always go yellow and dry up, even though the rest of the plant looks healthy. With small plants like that, I recommend using a spray bottle to water them. This way, the fragile stem and roots won't get damaged by the flowing water, and you are much less likely to overwater them.


Well-Known Member
you forgot to mention .. that he have em in white cups (I dont think roots like that to much) and we dont even know how his drain hols are .. if any ?

also that over watering refere to watering to often .. not letting the soil dry a bit in between ..