Are these male and female flowers? (pics)


Active Member
setup3.jpgPictures not very good but it has white hairs but what its coming out of is kind of like a ball so im wondering if its a hermie. can someone show me a better picture of a hermie flower?

pic 1 is the one im talking about (not good pic though) and other two are just setup. Probably looks like huge room but its onle 4x4 tent with 5 large plants



Well-Known Member
Eventhough your pic is blurry it appears that is the swollen calyx and two pistils coming from it. If you want confirmation from anyone in this community, pls post a non blurry picture if you can. Then you will get your answer if you have a hermaphrodite or not.


I've had one that looks just like the flower in your first pic, at first it looks like a male but turned out to be a female... though I took the flower off just in-case it hermied


Active Member
thanks and i know there shitty pictures but will post better ones soon. How do u know if its a male flower with pistils?


Well-Known Member
Pictures don't show much except blurry female growth.

This is a noob section question.

For the 1,057th time:

Balls on sticks with no trichomes = male
Tulip shaped things with no sticks and trichomes = female

"nanners" come later