Get a good look at those leaves. Take one off, scope it really good. I do suspect mites are present. Eggs don't lay themselves lol.but the tops of the plant leafs are starting to taco
Thats what I'm hoping.. I asked a friend and he said hes seen those on his grow too. Ill just keep checking from here on out and will update if I see any russets.
Hello from SwitzerlandStill no signs of russet mites and its week 9 on Wednesday. The plants look very healthy.. So confused.
Also did some research and those are most likely bulbous or sessile glands.
I was checking all my plant since 2 hours!!i have seen something that look like those , but mine were on the tops of my leaves, pretty sure some were being excreted from the little hairs on the leaves. I brought it to the guy at the hydro store and we came to the conclusion it was the leaves excreting to protect itself like if a deer was eating its leaves they make this to deter things from eating them. Also my plants looked really good and i saw no mites or bugs