Are my seeds still viable?


New Member
Hello guys, Ive put my 3 seeds into the soil 5 days ago. I felt something went bad with it so I digged and put them in glass of water and they sinked instantly. Now I use the paper towel method and want to see of they are gonna germinate that way. Btw when I put those three seeds in cups I left one as a test, used glass of water then paper towel method and it Ive seen tap root coming out and then I put it soil cup. So my question is are those three seeds viable?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys, Ive put my 3 seeds into the soil 5 days ago. I felt something went bad with it so I digged and put them in glass of water and they sinked instantly. Now I use the paper towel method and want to see of they are gonna germinate that way. Btw when I put those three seeds in cups I left one as a test, used glass of water then paper towel method and it Ive seen tap root coming out and then I put it soil cup. So my question is are those three seeds viable?
I use a plate in a heating pad to germinate seeds I usually get 100% germ just have to mist paper towel a little more