Are my leafs yellowing?


New Member
Hello my plants been growing for 11 days now and I think my leafs are starting to yellow I haven't added any nutes yet the temps never go below 75 and maxs out around 81 any help would be great thanks.



Well-Known Member
That's pretty common for the 1st couple sets of leaves to look a little scruffy. I get them myself. Your soil looks great. Don't add nutes for a couple weeks though.

Generally not a problem and they'll grow right through it.


Well-Known Member
Look closely for bugs, I had mites on my seedlings, very hard to spot. I noticed the webs first and thought it was mold.


Well-Known Member
Is that FF Ocean Forest? If the soil is too hot the seedling can struggle for a while. Maturity will slow, growth will slow and your plant will just look sick for a while (1-3 weeks or so). I personally have had a 50/50 success rate using bagseed (bs)where half showed no problems and the other half did. My TW didn't have any problems at all. I'd let your plant dry out a bit first until the pot feels light before watering again. If in 3 days from that point she is still sickly get some seedling soil to save yourself the hassle then transplant after 10 days give or take. If your short on cash I've had good results growing seedlings in Scotts topsoil that had been sifted to remove ALL large pieces - using a kitchen strainer. The end result is a fine, fluffy low nutrient grow medium. Good luck. :peace:

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
If they're young and you havent fed, and you aren't doing anything stupid like bleaching or drowning them. Then wait a bit, its probably going to turn around.