Are My Girls Done Yet? Pics Attached! (AK48/White Widow)+rep!


Active Member
Hey everyone. There is 3 large plants(hydro) in my 5x5 tent, and 1 small one (soil). They are on Day 48-50 of flowering. The AK48's are supposed to be done in 48 days under perfect conditions. This is my 1st grow so I can't expect that, but how much longer you guys think?:

flower_entiretent.jpg <Here's all of them in the tent.
ww_soil.jpg <Small White Widow in soil, leaves began yellowing and falling off almost 2 weeks ago. Under a microscope it had a few amber trichs, some cloudy, majority clear.
ww_hydro.jpg <White Widow in hydro, Trichs are the same as the soil WW, couple amber / cloudy, majority clear.
wwflower.jpg<Cola on the White widow
ak48_lilB_wholeplant.jpg <AK48 on the right, shot of the whole plant
ak48_lilbcola.jpg<AK48 on the right, shot of the cola
AK48_bbcola.jpg<Ak48 on the left's flower site.

Again, the leaves have been yellowing on all the plants for 1week+. The calyxes swelled on most of the plants within the last 7-10 days. And the trichs on them all seem to be the same: Couple amber / cloudy, majority clear.

So, from this info...I'm thinking I could probably chop the AK48's & the small white widow within the week, and maybe the big White Widow 7-10 days after.

Let me know what you think, I should have taken pictures closer to the trichs, my fail.

EDIT* RIU resized the pics now it's really hard to tell how they're lookin...I'll


Well-Known Member
Firstly, Congratulations on your first grow.

IMO both white widows 7-10
Both AK48's 10-14.

Im yet to find a strain that finishes to my liking within its given flowering time. I hold high hopes for my next strain choice DINAFEM POWER KUSH.



Well-Known Member
With most strains you have like a 10 week window to harvest. I would wait for another week at least for more trichs to darken. Check them daily of course. I have 12 WW myself going outside this year and I wouldnt harvest untll I have at least 70% amber trichs, otherwise Im missing out on the whole reason for growing the WW...the couchlock. Girls are looking nice...very good job on your hat is off to you. I have tried indoor growing and I fail hard at it. Outside is a different story ;)

If i could sucsesfully grow indoors I would have 8 foot sativas year round :)

Edited for spelling


Well-Known Member
With most strains you have like a 10 window to harvest. I would wait for another week at least for more trichs to darken. Check them daily of course. I have 12 WW myself going outside this year and I wouldnt harvest untll I have at least 70% amber trichs, otherwise Im missing out on the whole reason for growing the WW...the couchlock. Girls are looking nice...very good job on your hat is off to you. I have tried indoor growing and I fail hard at it. Outside is a different story ;)

If i could sucsesfully grow indoors I would have 8 foot sativas year round :)
i agree with theese guys you look like you may still have a week,.. but the only way to tell for sure is to check and see if 70% of the trich's are cloudy.....great job with the widows what nutrients do you use?????


Active Member
...great job with the widows what nutrients do you use?????
Thanks so much for the compliments on the widows everyone. Are they more touchy than other strains? I use technaflora organic nutrients which I was told organic nutrients in hydro were bad. Aldo I have used h2o2 (4 drops / gal) to clear the waterways and it is supposed to kill some microbial bacteria in organics nutrients? So I tried using bleach instead of h2o2 and now I swear most of my plants vegging have root rot.