Are My Cfls to Close to My Germing Seeds?


Hey guys was just wondering if my cfls are to close to my germing seeds? (About 6") basic SH cfls, I got a 600 wat hps one above that with a 400 cfm exausht both of which are not on, only the cfls. What would that 600 watt do with the cfls? Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Turn the lights off and keep it warm where they are until they come to the surface :D.


New Member
They are fine dude. After the second set of real leaves start showing kick on that 600 for a few hrs a day.

Oh, and 4 to 6 hrs of dark will help them pop so long as temps are above 60.


Hey man thanks for the advice I had the lights off for 2 days when I just planted the seeds into the rockwool and since tuesday when I turned lights on for 18 on and 6 off. Is this okay to do until I decide to veg? Is this okay? my temps are 72- 84 faren and 50-60 humidity is this good? should I have my 400 cfm exausht on low or no? I have a 6" passive fresh air intake and my 4 babies sprouted 2 with leaves. Thanks a ton :)