Are LEDS better than sodium for my space


New Member
Im currently running on x2 600w sodiums in my 1.2mx1.2mx2mtr tent, im thinking of moving over to LED's for many reasons, ive been looking on ebay at the vipor 300w LED for around £250 for 2. Would this suit my grow space?
Are they any good the LED's?
Advice appreciated


Well-Known Member
There's the people that like LEDs, and the ones that don't (or don't know enough about them). Personally I don't like them, but that's because I haven't researched them enough :p I prefer t5s/CFLs, as I've grown great stuff with them. Someone with some LED experience will give you their opinion as well, I'm sure :p


Active Member
There is a specific LED section on this site....I recommend you read and post there if you want people with knowledge of LED growing. Be careful of Ebay LED, to replace 2x 600 hps your looking at you would need to invest a lot of upfront cost for decent lights that will be comparable for yield and quality of light your used to. That is why LED is such a debatable topic now....because of all the shitty BS lights that are out there. If you invest in a quality LED light you will be more than happy, if you get something like that off ebay you will back to your HPS and say LED Good luck


New Member
Thanks for the advice people, keep it coming.
Has anyone try'd the vipor 300 ?
Or is there an equivalent LED thats not too expensive (im looking at around £200 per unit out lay) that will match my current ( very expensive ) method?