are envirolites any good


Well-Known Member
Are these envirolites any good compared to the normal lights used?
Ilike the idea that they run cooler and are supposed to use less power
Any thoughts?
bifter :joint:


Active Member
I use 2 125W CFL lights that are very similar to the enviro lights. They run much cooler than HID lights (the "normal" ones), and save some power. The only problem with using CFLs is that the light dissipates very quickly so the lights have to be very close to the plants. I would suggest buying just regular CFLs instead of Envirolights because they just charge more for envirolights because they are "grow lights". Just make sure top get around 5000K for vegging and 2700K for flowering. Good Luck



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input ,i was going to buy envirolites because they come in 200 w
Can you get ordinary cfls in 200w?
cheers bifter :joint: