

Well-Known Member
yea i always thought that was possible but we want our plant to burst with growth so we have to raise the nutrient ppm lvl of the water which i think would be harmful for freshwater fish. i'd say its safe to have a fish swiming around in a dwc at maybe 400ppm tops? just my opinion.


Uses the Rollitup profile
heehee, the fish don't swim around in the nute solution. In aquaponics, the used fish water is used for the nute soup. One thing's for sure, you need a lot of fish!

HTH :mrgreen:

There's something to said for pancakes, too, y'know. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I saw one of these things in action for lily plants once. They were gi-fucking-gantic. Like a monster version of what you would thing lily would look like (1m plus). If you could somehow harvest that potential for weed.... unless it tasted like fish.


Well-Known Member
well i might do an experiment. i have a fish pond outside with a bunch of tropical fish which wont make it though winter. maybe ill move them into my reservoirs, its that or freeze :(


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Thats too much extra work unless your wanting to breed fish you can add fish emmulsion to your water if thats what your after.Lillies and pot are way different water lilly stay submerged completely weed needs air in the root air at times


Mr I Can Do That For Half
pond ko have 2 options. I have them and actaually belong to a local yard koi pond group. You have to heat the pond or remove them to inside tanks in the winter.Winter here hits about 80 below zero with wind chills on average each year. I cover my ponds with tarps with a pole in the center to keep snow build up off and use several aquarium heaters to keep water temp around 65-75 and use an automatic timed feeder to give them food.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Damn, Filthy! Let me get this straight, you actually live in a freezer, and you heat an outdoor pond for some fish?

That sounds pretty wacky, Man! :blsmoke:

And you just posted that excellent design of a water chiller! What did you need that for??? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
actually i think this would be a awsome idea for a indoor fishtank with a inside hydro garden! If i had a house and a money i would most likely invest is something like this it would be soo awsome to have this in your house, and you can have a real garden inside growing lettuce or whatever using free light from the sun. Not that fake ass stupid aerogarden crap.