aqua vega problems in a ebb and flow


Active Member
hey guys i need nelp this will be the 3rd set of seedlings i have killed with this product. i have aebb and flow and 400 watt blue spectrom grow light
i have had a few batch trun out fair useing the 3 part product. the guys at the suppy place told me this stuff is new and so eazy they are going to only sell the aqua vega. i have found that the ph goes up for a few hours after mixing. alot. so i adjust the ph back down to 5.8-6.2 or so but the plants are tiny and the root system are b not growing at all. i was mixing about 80 ml per 10 gal of water for each of the two grow liquids and have cut that in half as i think i am burnint the young plants. if the look all curled up and yellow can i recover them or is it hope less? i have a few in dirt i was going to use for a mother plant for clones and they are 4 times the size of the hyro plants. please help the seed are getting expensive to keep just watching them curl up and turn yellow and die. i havent a clue what im doing wrong. please help


Active Member
what just pure water
for how long?
is there a chance the plants will recover or have i damaged them already?


Well-Known Member
yes pure water!

seedlings and babies dont even need nutes for at least 1 week. they have enough nutes for at least a week!

not sure about recovery....try it and see if they bounce back


Active Member
thanx alot i think maybe i use the wrong term they r about 3 in tall and have three point leaves on them but have been this way for about 4 weeks. a few of them seem better when i reduced the amount of nutes.


Well-Known Member
wow 4 weeks?

you're burning the shit outta them. what kinda lighting do you have? if you say cfl, im logging off


Well-Known Member
what are your temps???!?!

are you misting your plants under your HID lighting? that is a nono..... i mean you can, but do it like right before the lights turn out.

what are your temps? they look a little heat stressed.

but i cant understand why your soil plants are looking fine.....