Applz salvia trip


Yo names applz and here's my little story.

My cousin calls me and tells me his parents are of to mejicali and tells me if im down to smoke some sexy herb and i say " why are you even asking" LOL so he picks me up we go to his pad mind you he has a lot of land and the scenery is insane he also has a sexy sound system at his backyard.

So its my cousin his girlfriend and I he pulls out his ice catcher bong and i pull out some train wreck then he pulls out some fuck i forgot lol um something 07? Lol idk...I pack the first bowl then my cousin finds some left over salvia, he tells me "oh look it here what do we have here ;o -myname- you've never done it right? Are you willing to experience" i say im down as one can be ;)

mind you the bowl is already packed so i just get the idea to pack the salvia on top of it, nicely packed ready to go, my cousin and his girl love my choice of music lol so i put some drumstep first track figure-aliens.

I pull out the lighter milk it and take it like a champ...i lift my head

WAT TA FAK EVERYTHING GOES INSANE i swear i felt like i was fliping like a rollercoster constantly i had no control i start to freak out telling my self that itll stop i close my eyes and then open them and i keep on fliping like in a rollercoster that goes up then around 360 i pass the bong always aware of it.

Then i start to freak out really bad getting really self constious thinking really really really fast "why are we here why am i smking is this really worth it" i breath try to kool my self down the idea still in my head going so fast i cant control it. My cousin passes the bong the track making thee trip more insane i smoke then pass the bong all of the sudden my cousin and his girl at the same time say "WOW ALIENS ARE INVADING!" i start laughing then the idea comes back haunting me i smoke more its on the zoombie track i freak out so much i stand up and say no. I go inside and stay there just sitting my cousin says "yo whats up?" i respond with "im fucking high"

the whole entire fucking night i stayed high up above with the idea spinning i wake up and everything is back to normal.

I ask my cousin if i freaked out or screamed or something cause i had a horrible freak out and they said "lol no just regular -myname- just blowing our minds with your music" i just had a wtf face lol

im willing to try it again idk what happened really people say you stay up above for 5mins i was up there till i knocked out probably 5hours (._.)


Well-Known Member
Don't mix salvia and avoid high concentrates, it wasn't even enough to get you trough to the other side. It is horrible when you do get stuck at that level though, off your tits, but not far enough to shut down sensory input.
We actualy have this very primitive part of the brain that shuts down and takes out communication from your normal 5 senses.