Appendix was taken out...


Well-Known Member
So Saturday night im out drinking with my girl and some of my friends, and the next day ive got this CRAZY ass pain in my lower right abdomen.

I figured i was sick or something, so i waited it out and day... and then another day of worse pain than the first... then on the third day (which both nights, everytime i MOVED, id wake up from the pain)i couldnt even stand straight because the pain was unbearable, so I left work like 2 hours into it, and had a co-worker drive me to the hospital.

I see the doctor, and a catscan later revealed that my appendix had to go! STAT.

So im taken to the OR and put under (which i usually like) but this time, i had a mild anxiety attack before I was put under... That kinda made everything suck from there on out, cause i woke in a bad mood and shit...

Anyways, i just got home from the Hospital after having to spend the night... i have some gnarly insitions, but ill keep those bad boys to myself


So next time you light up, rip that shit for me... Hopefully ill feel some irie effects from this vicoden i got from the doc. Ya see, im low on herb, so i cant smoke a lot to ease my pain... So next time ya light up :joint:, rip it hard for me

Id appreciate it!!

Point of the story is, be ready for the unexpected... It'll come outta nowhere and get ya good




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reminder that life's unpredictable. Bet you're glad you waited two days with all that pain . . . NOT!