Aphid Organic Safe Guaranteed Solution


Well-Known Member
Kill and destroy all aphids on your plants naturally without chemicals!

#1 buy some APHID CHASER
APHID CHASER uses a NON-TOXIC, natural insect pheromone to disrupt aphid colonies and ward them off your roses, vegetables and houseplants.

Insects use pheromones to communicate. This pheromone dispenser upsets the insect's chemical ecology and breaks down communications in aphid colonies. These nontoxic dispensers do not affect beneficial insects or rose plants. They act to ward off most common aphid types, especially green peach aphids. Effects can occur in 5-10 days. Applying APHID CHASER early in the season will prevent aphid colonies from becoming established.

Place 1 dispenser every 20 sq ft or 1 dispenser per badly infested rose bush. Replace dispensers every 3 to 4 weeks.

Package contains 8 individually wrapped dispensers.

#2 Buy some LADYBUGS
together these two will eradicate all aphids easily.




Well-Known Member
is this for inside or outside you that you refer to? i found for my aphid issues (indoor grow), that Diatomaceous Earth was also 100% non-toxic for plants, people, and pets, and also organic if you get the food grade version. you dont need to leave containers lying around everywhere, it has far more than 8 uses per box, and works on ALL soft bodied insects (aphids, mites, gnats, larvae, slugs). i emptied out an old garlic powder container (McCormick brand) and filled it up, and only applied to topsoil roughly 6 hours after i watered (this allowed just the very thinnest layer of dirt on top to dry out as to not cake up the DE powder). it 100% cured my aphid issue first application within 24 hours, and a 8 dollar box of the stuff is enough for hundreds of uses (at least in my setup with 5 gallon buckets).


Well-Known Member
i've never heard of that method, i'll look into it. as far as aphids goes a patent pending pheromone is sure to work. each time you use a capsule it lasts for 4 weeks and covers 20 square feet. its like a small rubber disk you attach to a branch. its great.