apa annotated bibliography... HELP


Active Member
Hi all, need some help in english 101.

I need to write an annotated bibliography, but does anyone know if i can quote the author below the citation. I'm a little confused as this is my first attempt at this writing style. Any and all help would be appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
are you using windows office 2010? if so it will do the bibliography for you. APA requires in text sightings following quotes,,, bla bla bla (Smith, 2010) if you are using officw 2010 go to referances-choose APA format- update referances. fill in the blanks and intext sightings are just a click and at the end choose insert bibliography and it does the work. office 2010 saved me so much time and improved my wrighting and grades.


Active Member
Yep, I sure am.

I think I've got the citation format right, I just cant remember if I'm allowed to use quotes in the summary.


Well-Known Member
Nope, sounds like it should be in your words, condensed. We wrote so many papers that summeries were seldom required. Pick up a "Pocket Guide to APA Style - Robert Perrin. It is the APA bible condensed so-to-speak.


Active Member
My english prof. is kind of an asshat, if you use an improper tense even once, you get marked down at least a grade. I always feel intimidated asking him questions, he replies to every one with, "this is basic highschool essay writing, you all should know this"
I guess he fails to realize that the American education system sucks, and sometimes people test in to his class with no formal highschool education.


Well-Known Member
APA is NOT a basic High School essay, they use MLA as do most universities. The university I attended offered degrees in psychology and counseling so APA (American Psyciatric Association) was required of all students. APA is a pain in the ass. I took a special class just for APA and the instructer admitted that comma placement can be open to interpritation. It's f'd up no doubt but if you take the time to set up word it will help. It will remember a couple of the confusing rules and scan your writing style.


Active Member
You are such a sweetie!
It's a group project due in a couple days, if you wouldn't mind maybe you could take a look at my part tomorrow night.
I took 13 credits this summer and am starting to feel like everythings meshing together...lol


Well-Known Member
13 credit hours? what, you didn't want a summer? I just finished in Feb. 3 years every simester at up to 15 credit hours and now I'm done.
Ba - Business Management/Organizational Leadership and Bs - B.M./Project Management, Magna Cum Laudi.
You can do it! Good Luck!


Active Member
LOL...I didn't realize how hard 13 credits would be to pull off in 8 weeks, this is only my second quarter.
I'm going for BA in Nursing, but I'm falling in love with my sociology class.
Mmmm, nice degree you have there, congrats!