Anyone using TA Aquatics (General Hydroponics Europe) Tripart


Well-Known Member
Is anyone using Soft Water TA Tripart? I have been trying various feed charts with limited success.

The GH chart is very different from the TA (European) but they recon it is the same product (although the NPK values are different on the bottles). I have also been adding half a dose of cal/mag because I am in coco and use LED but still see Cal deficiency later in flower.
If you are using TA and getting good results which chart do you use? Do you use their Bloom Booster?

Any advice welcome
Why not use TA Dual part Coco? It seems very complete for your needs?

There's so many copy's of GH 3 part that's basically the same thing. Why not try to mix as usual and see what EC you land at? How much does the ratios differ?