Anyone using Grove Bags?

Not much to tell you. Dry your weed as you should and store in bags.

Been using them for awhile now
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Okay I found a couple older threads....They seem pretty cool. I think I'm going to try them this run.

Can anyone recommend a reliable heat sealer for the bags? Thanks
Okay I found a couple older threads....They seem pretty cool. I think I'm going to try them this run.

Can anyone recommend a reliable heat sealer for the bags? Thanks

I’ve never heat sealed any of my bags and it’s still fresh after a year. But if you insist you can find one on Amazon for like $20.
I’ve never heat sealed any of my bags and it’s still fresh after a year. But if you insist you can find one on Amazon for like $20.
Thanks...yeah I know there are a bunch of them, but I was thinking that there might be "the" one that everyone uses with Grove bags.
Cool that you did yours without the heat sealer...but for the first try with them, I think I'll do the heat sealing method since they recommend it
i let my buds dry until the stems crack when bent (usually 11-14d) then i remove the flowers from the main stems & put them in grove bags. from my understanding.. you do not open the bags for at least 30+days

we have had EXCELLENT results with this method. and once you’re done with the bags all you have to do is wipe the bags with alcohol wipes and presto! new as fuck ^.^