Anyone use "Complete Hydroponics" ?


Talking to my local hydro store guy, I asked him what nute lineup he thinks would be good with Coast of Maine Stonington, and he recommended a line called "Complete Hydroponics." Personally never heard of it, have any of you? I realize that a lot of the time, hydro stores have financial motivations for recommending certain products, but this store has always had really good reviews for being helpful and not just caring about $$$.

Any input would be awesome!

Here is their site

Plus if any of you have used Coast of Maine Stonington, what nutes do you supplement with?

This is my first grow in 5 years and I'm so indecisive about what medium/products I wanna use... too many options... help!!!!
Talking to my local hydro store guy, I asked him what nute lineup he thinks would be good with Coast of Maine Stonington, and he recommended a line called "Complete Hydroponics." Personally never heard of it, have any of you? I realize that a lot of the time, hydro stores have financial motivations for recommending certain products, but this store has always had really good reviews for being helpful and not just caring about $$$.

Any input would be awesome!

Here is their site

Plus if any of you have used Coast of Maine Stonington, what nutes do you supplement with?

This is my first grow in 5 years and I'm so indecisive about what medium/products I wanna use... too many options... help!!!!
how much did you expect to spend? I make my own solutions . they are easy to make and inexpensive. about 1$ a liter for 100:1 concentrate . the downside is you need to buy 350$ worth of base compounds but that will make 350 liter 100:1 solution
I've never used the Complete nutrient line but I do use their coco and their pH down.
The coco is great and the pH down is very concentrated..........the old stuff I used took 1.25 ml, and the Complete I only have to use .25 ml to achieve the same pH.
Looks like a US version of Canna's nutrient line ups but more expensive. Hell, they even sell "Boost" for $100/quart. lol
Probably works fine but you're paying a lot for water.
Looks like a US version of Canna's nutrient line ups but more expensive. Hell, they even sell "Boost" for $100/quart. lol
Probably works fine but you're paying a lot for water.
that's what I figured. like it sounds me because it obviously covers all the bases and I'm most familiar woth bottled nutes, that's what I've used in the past, but yeah I know 90% of what you're paying for there is just water. got any recommendations for dry nutes? been looking into Jack's or MegaCrop
that's what I figured. like it sounds me because it obviously covers all the bases and I'm most familiar woth bottled nutes, that's what I've used in the past, but yeah I know 90% of what you're paying for there is just water. got any recommendations for dry nutes? been looking into Jack's or MegaCrop
I used Canna for a few years. I switched to Jack's last year. Should've done it sooner. The cost is just a bonus at this point.
Just Jack's 321, Jack's 5-12-26, Calnit and Epsom. Nothing else unless you count Cannazyme. I only use that because I re-use my coco, a lot.
Hand watering I mix 4 gallons slightly concentrated at the 3:2:1 ratio (I don't weigh it, I go by volume) on the weekend. Every feed I add between a quart to half gallon of the nute mx + tap water to get to my target EC. After a week I got good at guesstimating my EC by how much nutes/water I put in the watering can.
Jack's runoff gets fed to houseplants and bell peppers. For tomatoes I have to add a bit more calnit to the runoff. Maters are calcium hogs! :bigjoint: