anyone try legal bud


Well-Known Member
Its like having sex with a blow up doll... You can fuck it but "IT AINT THE SAME"

legal weed ...You can smoke it "BUT IT AINT THE SAME"


Active Member
haha ok, im gettin half an ounce, im putting the order in tonite so by maybe saturday it will be here, ill let ya's know then


yeah be it cant be that bad man, seriously, its cheap, and u get alot, it has to be ok
yes it can be that bad......." it's cheap, and u get alot, it has to be ok"........dude we are talking about fake weed....if cheap real weed that you get a lot of won't get you high, why would fake cheap weed that you get a lot of make you high?...see what i'm saying?...that half ounce you bought is not going to do shit...


Well-Known Member
this is asked a lot. so yes fake weed gets you fucking baked. that is why it is legal cuz the no thc is fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
yeah be it cant be that bad man, seriously, its cheap, and u get alot, it has to be ok

If you say so ... Its garbage ... Have some asprin nearby, you'll need it for the headache your going to get ... Your wasting your money but what do you care you prob got it from Mommy


Well-Known Member
this stuff is way worse than shwag, I bought a qp about a year ago for like 425, more than a qp of regs, it tastes like shit, smells like tea, and looks like some weird shit you dont really want to smoke, I got mine from international oddities I got the alcopulco bud, worse than smoking tree bark :(


Active Member
def not, i work for my money, ive been working for my money since i was 13, everything i own or bought was outta my pocket, my parents can barely pay for themselves, why should i make them pay for me


Active Member
wow vette, cant blve u can judge a person without even talking to them, instead of acting like the tough guy or the king of the keyboard, how about u actually grow up and act like an adult, im sorry that i had to learn how to grow up when i was very young, and had to work all the fucking time just so i could afford stuff in my life, im not a rich kid, i dont drive a fancy car, i drive a 600 dollar oldsmobile that sucks gas and looks like shit, but thats the only thing i could afford and had cheap insurance, i dont get shit handed to me, i have to work for it, and i do, so go fuck yourself for judging me


Active Member
It's pure shit. You may get a buzz, but that's just from the lack of oxygen to your brain. Put your head in a plastic bag and breathe for a few minutes.... same thing... save your money for real weed or growing equipment. The only reason it's advertised on sites such as rollitup and others is pure financial necessity. (I see the question "Why does this site advertise it then?!?!" on other forums) :spew:
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