Anyone try dynomyco?

Green Puddin

Well-Known Member
Ya man .Sprinkled it on roots\root ball at transpant ,and put some in the new whole before placing the plant in.!might not be correct way but she works for me and that stuff right there .... Is root magic in a bag ,don't gotta believe me,just gotta see for yourself ,shirts expensive though damn .About to open a pouch of Mykes mycorizae ... At quarter the price of the dyno I'm guessing it lacks a little something but we shall see


Ya man .Sprinkled it on roots\root ball at transpant ,and put some in the new whole before placing the plant in.!might not be correct way but she works for me and that stuff right there .... Is root magic in a bag ,don't gotta believe me,just gotta see for yourself ,shirts expensive though damn .About to open a pouch of Mykes mycorizae ... At quarter the price of the dyno I'm guessing it lacks a little something but we shall see
Nice thanks