anyone try %35 hydrogen peroxide?


Boy!!!! This stuff is crazy! Made my leaves stand straight up! Others? Curled under... but the buds exploded" wussup w that? And before the haters step up, NO, I AM NOT COMPLAINING OR ASKING FOR YOUR HELP! I ONLY WANT TO HEAR SHARRED EXPERIENCES ETC... THANKS gods...


Well-Known Member
what did you do and how much did you put? thought it was only supposed to be 3%? lol good thing ive never done it.

roger v

will kill mycro organisams and every thing els in your soil.I used it befor to kill fungas fles and larva.Idont know about hydro.


Well-Known Member
It works but you need to dalute it big time. I use the 10% at a rate of 1tsp for 10gal brings ppm up 30. I don't use it all the time maybe 2 times a grow. This is for hydro. Don't know about soil.