Anyone tried KTS Pyro 510 mod for concentrates?

dizzy J

New Member
Hi all,

Lurker for a while, been doing a lot of reasearch and finally decided to give concentrates a try and picked up the KTS Pyro atomizer mod because it fits the profile of my Vamo rather nicely. Testing the resistance of the mod on my Vamo showed 2.3 ohms. Not even halfway through my first draw at around 4v, the thing stops working and won't fire anymore. When I check the resistance using the Vamo, its coming up with 9.99 ohms which is an error code I get if my eJuice atomizer is not securely connected.. so I'm thinking I may have burned the atomizer out already?

Has anyone else had experience with this atomizer? I guess I'm trying to determine:

a) If this one is a fluke and its worth buying another
b) If this is a common problem and anyone knows how to fix it
c) If anyone knows how I can replace the coil without replacing the whole atomizer

The coil was looks pretty standard and was wrapped around wick in the bottom of the ceramic cup, I already tried removing the wick after it stopped working and still the atomizer is not firing :(

Please help! I've been looking forward to this for a while and would love to hear any insight you all could provide.

Thanks in advance!
I will do my best to help.

Your Vamo MOD or APV is giving off the error code most likely because the automizer is shorting out. If the automizer just fried there would not be an error code. Your Vamo would not recognize the attachment at all. Shorting out is a bad thing. It can cause damage to your MOD-Vamo. I have had this happen to me once. It did throw the calibration of my vaporizer off a little bit. Not enough to be a problem though. For example: instead of setting it at 4.8 volts, now I have to set that MOD/APV at 5 volts. It was from the attachment shorting out (ground touching positive). That is what your issue sounds like to me. It could be something else in the automizer besides the coil.

I googled your rig, I had never seen one before. It looks pretty cool. Unfortunately, it is probably a POS. I doubt you can fix it. I am sure it can be, but probably not worth it considering that they cost less than $20. Me personally, if that happened to me on my first try, I would not get another one, even though it looks really cool. I can suggest a product that may not look as cool, but probably is much more reliable and better performance. I am really not in to that type of vaping, straight oil. I kind of prefer the e-cannabis (concentrate mixed with PG USP used in an e-cigarette rig). Since I started using a mechanical vape. Vaporizing the oil straight has reopened a door I had closed before. I love the mechanical vape for vaping the oil straight.

Anyway, you will probably like this device much better, but you will have to purchase an adapter to use it. A 510 to 601 thread adapter. Here is where I got mine

Here is the cartomizer, it is meant for Omicron/Persei, the KISS TI I recommend to choose the one for Persei, 3.7 volt. I have not tried the 7.4 volt model yet. I am pretty sure they will work with our e-cigg mods, just have not tried it yet. You may want to start with your voltage and power at the lowest setting. With my SVD MOD I set it at 3.7 volts and run it at around 3 or 4 watts. I had a lower quality, possibly imitation SVD and I had to set that at 3 volt, 3 watt, the lowest possible settings. I have ran 4 or 5 grams of straight oil through it so far with no problems. I fill the whole heating cup right to the top and it has worked flawlessly.

It is too bad you can't just replace the coils, but I have heard many other people, and I must agree, the KISS cart is really heavy duty and appears to be well worth the money. I must say, the 3.7 V Omicron and Persei attachments work best on my mechanical vape, the Smoktech Magneto. You can get those from High Desert Vapes for less than $50.

It reading 2.3 ohms, that is pretty high resistance and is possible that you sent too much power to it. The KISS cart is 2.0 ohm. If it just simply fried, you would not be getting the error code, that is what tells me it is probably junk. It really looks nice and that is too bad that it does not work. I like the KISS cart so much, I think I am going to get another one.

SVD MOD (left): KISS cart on the Magneto (right)
SVD - Smoktech-KISS 2-18-14 004.jpg

KISS cart
KISS Cart by UP Tech 2-3-14 2 005.jpg