Anyone tried "DELAHAZE" & either Grown it or has info to share? +REP 4 best repies!l


Well-Known Member

I am interested in this strain (DELAHAZE) but dont have an awful lot of info on it... I am interested to know is it Indica or Sativa, how big do they grow, are they easy or hard to grow, whats the yield like, whats the bud smell like before its burn't, and whilst its burning, its effect and a number of other FAQ's...

All the best answer's, Replies + Pics etc etc will get some +REP! I hope to hear from y'all soon, Cheers..

Ps/ same goes for 'MORRISON-HAZE' another strain I am very interested in...- STELTHY :leaf:[/B]


Well-Known Member
Infact... lets make this thread cover every strain of HAZE and as many pics and info on all the 'Haze Strains' as possible, I have my finger ready on the +REP! button :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
How about jack herer? She's a nice one.

One of the only "hazes" or haze hybrid I've grown so far. I've smoked super silver haze and I love it. Definately one worth growing.

Some good hazes, res's super silver sour diesel haze sssdh, mr nice g13 haze is a really good one, super silver haze, connoseur genetics has grandaddy haze which sounds really good and they have good genetics.

The haze high is amazing if you can wait 10+ weeks. Most sativas usually need less nutes. gotta give em nitrogen thru most of flower since its so long.

My jack herer loves N but is a lot more touchy on the flower nutes.

Hope somethin helps.

Feel bad no ones replyin lol.


bud bootlegger
come on, not to bust your balls, but you're starting a thread about haze's and then ask if they are sativa or indica dom?? of course hazes are sativas ...
ok, now that i have that off of my chest, i just cracked some sour hazey jones from gage green that is a cross of sour d and i think it's soma's g13 haze..
i heard one of the best hazes out there is nevilles haze, but it's super duper sativa strain, and can take like 16 weeks plus to finish, but the end smoke is supposed to be more than incredible, and well worth the wait for sure..


Well-Known Member

I am interested in this strain (DELAHAZE) but dont have an awful lot of info on it... I am interested to know is it Indica or Sativa, how big do they grow, are they easy or hard to grow, whats the yield like, whats the bud smell like before its burn't, and whilst its burning, its effect and a number of other FAQ's...

All the best answer's, Replies + Pics etc etc will get some +REP! I hope to hear from y'all soon, Cheers..

Ps/ same goes for 'MORRISON-HAZE' another strain I am very interested in...- STELTHY :leaf:[/B]

[Paradise Seeds]

Sativa 70 / Indica 30

Origins - Mango Haze x California Lemon Skunk

Flowering - 63-70 days

DelaHaze is a fruity sativa with a strong haze streak. It consists of two sativas, the Mango Haze and California Lemon Skunk. It is a solid indoor grower that adapts well to outdoor environments in warmer regions with a longer growing season. DelaHaze is a breed that has retained the desirable haze qualities in the high, but restrained the unwieldy garden characteristics that typically come with the haze-dominant strains, such as interminably long flowering times and lanky growth that quickly overtakes the grow space.

The hardy and flavorful Lemon Skunk has been used to add moderation in this plant's garden qualities, while selection lets the flash of haze shine through in the final product.

Even though the dominant sativa-haze composition has been tempered in this cross, DelaHaze still has a tendency to stretch if vegetated for too long. Paradise recommendsinducing flowering early, before the plants gain too much height. A 9-week flowering time is short for a haze-influenced strain. To appreciate her fully let her flower one extra week.

The fine citrus/haze flowers will fill the growroom with a beautiful aroma containing hints of citrus and mango in the dominant haze scent.

DelaHaze has potent THC levels yet still delivers ample yields. Indoor per-plant yields on multi-branch plants can reach 2 ounces (50g). Plants are best with multiple branches, and when vegetative time is managed properly, the increase in size during flowering will remain within a manageable range, around 3 feet (1 meter).

Haze fans have given this strain connoisseur ratings and reviews. The flavor is haze with sweet fruity accents. The high is a creeper with a clear-headed transition. DelaHaze is an active functional mood lifting buzz that avoids both heavy and sedating physical effects and the speedy or trippy mental quickening that some head highs induce. Instead, the sensation has a calm clarity, smoothing out the doldrums, and lightening the spirit to engage a more positive state of mind.

A mild and pleasant body relaxation effect is often felt after some time has passed.

2nd prize in the Cannabis Champions Cup in Spain in 2009

Ok so I found some info on that strain, it'd be cool to see other Haze pics + info from other RIU users, Maybe your fav. Haze etc... Best and worst.. I want to get all the Hazes in one thread, and as much info on them as possible :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

G13 HazeSeeds from Seedsman Cannabis Seeds are a hybrid cross of two legendary cannabis strains.

Seedsman G13 Haze is the product of two very sought after strains. The G13 is an almost mythical strain supposedly bred in a US Government laboratory as the most powerful indica in the world.

Here these indica qualities have been somewhat uplifted by the long-flowering pure original Haze strain for what must be the world's premier indica sativa cannabis hybrid. For experienced smokers only.

G13 Haze specifics:

Cannabis genetics: G13 indica x Haze sativa

Variety: Mostly indica F1 hybrid strain

Flowering: 8 - 10 weeks

Harvest: 8 - 10 weeks

Yield: Very good

Characteristics: Strong plants with high THC

I figure once the ball gets rolling it will be easy to find the perfect strain of Haze that we're individually looking for :) and be great for quick reference :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Stelthy I just came across your post here looking for reviews on other Paradise strains, I have Delahaze going currently and have had it going for a while. She is a strong smelling, strong tasting, very leggy plant. She is very easy to grow, and clones like no other for me. She smells fruity after a good cure and the smoke is just as described above, a great daytime chill smoke definitely not something that will have you glued to the couch. Also she responds well to topping and works fairly well in a SCROG setup provided you're on it tucking constantly because her stems get quite large and kind of "woody" quick.

Personally I have found this to be a pretty stable strain that likes to eat nutes fast and also prefers a tad more cal/mag than my other sativas. I definitely recommend this strain to anyone looking for a stable sativa that is on the easier end of the scale to grow. If your looking for more than an average yielder she is not the one though as I have other hazes that almost double her in weight but are the exact same size. I hope this helps even though it's pretty late. Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Stelthy I just came across your post here looking for reviews on other Paradise strains, I have Delahaze going currently and have had it going for a while. She is a strong smelling, strong tasting, very leggy plant. She is very easy to grow, and clones like no other for me. She smells fruity after a good cure and the smoke is just as described above, a great daytime chill smoke definitely not something that will have you glued to the couch. Also she responds well to topping and works fairly well in a SCROG setup provided you're on it tucking constantly because her stems get quite large and kind of "woody" quick.

Personally I have found this to be a pretty stable strain that likes to eat nutes fast and also prefers a tad more cal/mag than my other sativas. I definitely recommend this strain to anyone looking for a stable sativa that is on the easier end of the scale to grow. If your looking for more than an average yielder she is not the one though as I have other hazes that almost double her in weight but are the exact same size. I hope this helps even though it's pretty late. Good luck and happy growing.

Cheers KnB, info is much appreciated....Better late than never... I've been meaning to add more to this thread for a while now, but been busy with a couple of my other threads, I will defo be trying my hand at DeLaHaze in the future. Cheer's - STELTHY :leaf:


First of all, sorry to dig up this oldish thread but felt I had to give some input on it.

I'm growing her in coco right now after seeing some amazing diaries on a british forum I'm on. The best diary yielded 19oz off 1 plant in a recirculating DWC set up. Can't remember what wattage lights he used but was 2 lights. He redid it again with a 2 plant RDWC and yielded 33.1oz. Another guy got 17oz off his modded water farm, 1 plant, then redid it again in a 'Farm and an oxypot and got 28oz . A girl got 18 I think off hers in an Ikon oxypot. Another girl got 24+ off a modded NFT tank with a scrog. The latest was this guy who had a 4 plant modded wilma set up conversion to DWC. He got over 30oz using a scrog net and 3 lights to make up 1050w. All these were in 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.0m tents except the first guy. I'll warn you she grows one hell of a rootmass, freaking huge. There must be over 13 Delahaze diaries but some uncompleted. Very branchy plant creating massive colas.

My two in coco pots are doing well, started flowering very quickly, saw the bud crowns after 7-8 days of 12/12, my blue cheese which were done at the same time are yet to show bud crowns and this is a week on from when the Delahaze started. I'm hoping she'll be a quick flower.

I've seen Indica and Sativa phenos of this plant but both were good yielders.

I'd reccomend everyone having a crack at this strain. I rate Paradise seeds highly

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
not all hazes are as UP as their reps and i've seen at least one that has no actual haze in it at all... make that 2 if you count mekong haze which is a 2x cambodian.

i've never tried the haze you're talking about, but it sounds like it would be similar to lemon haze.

haze x skunk (high quality seeeds) wicked potent & long lasting with a lot of creativity, motivation & euphoria and a nice level of psychoactivity, but i don't know if it's as visual or musical as columbian gold used to be, but that wasn't as potent either. not a fan of the tobacco wrapper with hints of ashtray flavor, but cat piss, diesel & even dry heaves inducing licorice flavored durban poison are nastier and none of them have as great a buzz. until i try something better, it's my favorite smoke

super cali haze (short stuff) is THE closest to real haze you can get indoors i bet it tasted deliciously grapey like the 1/2 gram of "real" i was gifted and had the same classy euphoric high. it wasn't as potent as haze skunk, but wasn't as rough around the edges either. it's super exotic and the closest thing to haze brothers'/neville's as you'll get indoors as it's a lowryder cross. it also doesn't have that biy of lead eye that HxS has, but it takes longer and yields even less i think. mine was stunted, so i didn't get the stretchy gals i've seen other growing

i have no personal experience with it, but i see that sannies gets much love in forums for breeding superior gear and their shackzilla sounds like something worth trying. a lot of people are REALLY into their killing fields strain, but i won't grow it because i don't like the name and i don't like diesels either. man... i could have sworn that i read that shackzilla was an 8 week strain just last night.

OH! i just keyword searched it... it's TGA subcool's lemony jack the ripper. another freakin' violent name, but 8 weeks flowering for a strain with a true haze high is rare. most good gear takes 11 weeks or more. subcool is another breeder with a huge & loyal following, so i'd expect that strain to be not shabby at all.

while not actually a haze, mandala's 8 miles high is very hazey smoking and just pure fun. it's more laid back and playful than haze skunk and a lot closer to super cali. it's very noob friendly and mandala's gear is famous for being really easy to grow without fucking it up.

if you want to get into breeding, look into C99. that's a 7 week strain with absolutely no couchlock! it's not really trippy like haze, but it has awesome clearheaded euphoria and kicks ass for activities. joey weed's discontinued version was actually to stimulating to chill on tunes with much like original kali mist. i've heard that female seeds' new verion isn't spectacular but if mosca's "potent pineapple" (most prized cinderella pheno) is as trippy as it's claimed, it would be much fun in it's own right, but seriously great for shrinking members of the 12 week club without having to select away from stonier lowryders. someone should breed a lowryding C99! i probably will myself as i'd like to turn lowryding, but still nowhere near a cash cropper SCH into something with better yield & turnaround. the more competitive "sativas" are made to indicas, the more popularity they should see. their buzzes kick indica ass three times around the block regardless.
